Trial and Error Gameplay/Quotes
(A door marked "Hangar 5 opens before Snake).
Snake: (now burnt to a crisp) Aw gee, thanks, bitch!
Snake: Cool -- (walks down a corridor only to be suddenly cut to pieces by lasers.)
Player: ...what the fuck?! No one told me there were lasers there!
Meryl: (very casually) Hey Snake, there are lasers there...
Snake's eyeball-adorned remains: (enraged gibberish)
(Snake resolidifies)
Snake: I guess I'll have to use this cigarette I kept lodged in my STOMACH! Awesome!
(Snake blows smoke, coughs and complains, all while moving through the now visible lasers. When he gets to the end of the hallway, he's bounced around by rapid-fire explosions.)
Player: ...what the fuck?! No one told me there were bombs there!
Meryl: (very casually) Hey Snake, there are bombs there...
"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm ... we go different way now."