Triage X

Triage X is an ongoing Manga series by Shouji Sato, of Highschool of the Dead fame. Drawn in his typical style, it depicts the actions of a hospital-themed vigilante team stationed at the Mochizuki General Hospital. Feautures motorcycles, gunplay, Stuff Blowing Up, and Fan Service.

Though it has the Mochizuki team as protagonists, it mainly centers on Arashi Mikami, a teenaged vigilante assassin who received an organ transplant after Dr. Mochizuki's son Ryo was declared brain dead after a terrorist attack took place at the International Medical Center in Bioka City. Even though he lost the things important to him, Arashi is prepared to make the best of it by combating crime in the city.

Tropes used in Triage X include:
  • Badass: Everyone in the main cast.
  • BFG: That machine gun Sayo uses
  • Everything's Better with Motorcycles: The preferred method of entrance making for Arashi and Mikoto.
  • Fan Service: Tons of it.
  • Fiery Coverup: How our heroes obscure the evidence of their actions.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: One of the target's ends up this way after being shot and falling on the blades of a downed chopper.
  • Les Yay: Chikage and Mikoto
  • Oh Crap: Do not bother to shoot Arashi's motorbike helmet as it is totally bulletproof.
  • Shout-Out: You can spot Dirty Harry in there, saying his "Do ya feel lucky, punk?" line.
  • Stuff Blowing Up
  • Vigilante Team: What the main characters are.
  • Would Not Shoot A Non-Target: In episode 12, Mikoto refrained from shooting Chikage Hizaki a.k.a. Pyrina, a rival vigilante who apparently would NOT have been so chivalrous if the initiative was reversed, because Chikage/Pyrina has not yet been properly identified as a target.
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