Treasure Planet 2: The Zeitmanipular
Treasure Planet 2: The Zeitmanipular, a sequel Fanfic to Treasure Planet was written by Amalimrock.
This story takes place when Jim is a sophomore of the Interstellar Academy. It is the end of year assessments, which is the time when students are sent off to do a mission and they are graded by their performance. This year's mission for Jim involves finding kidnapped hostages and recovering a device called the Zeitmanipular, in which his father accidentally discovered. The students were shown an SOS video of Jim's dad during a "pirate" raid. Knowing this, Jim's emotional side is affected greatly, but things could possibly get worse if he has to put up with Cloudcuckoolander crew mate Canolin, who actually knew John Silver during her younger years.
This Fanfic could be considered a mild break from canon due to the fact that there isn't too much Canon on the Interstellar Academy. Many Original Characters are introduced.
- Action Girl - Captain Amelia. Naturally
- Alpha Bitch - Frieda
- Artificial Gravity - in Treasure Planet canon and mentioned at a description about the ISA
- The Captain - Captain Amelia, who is also grading the students in the end of year assestment
- Chekhov's Gun - Jim Hawkins and his toolbox
- Cliff Hanger - many times in the later chapters.
- Clingy Jealous Girl - Subverted. Frieda.
- Cloudcuckoolander - Canolin.
- Cyborg - John Silver. Duh
- The Drunken Sailor - John Silver's introduction to the Fan Fic
- Dumbass Has a Point - Canolin at Chapter 10
- Gentle Giant - Sethor
- Hidden Depths - At chapter 8, Canolin reveals that she had an abusive family and misses her brother dearly, in which Jim, for some implicit reason, reminds her of her biological brother
- Nice Guy - Ross and Sethor
- Oireland - the Neo-Sidth race's accent is a mix of Irish and Cockney. Garner is the most obvious example.
- Plucky Comic Relief - Garner and Canolin (to a certain extent.) Can also be considered as Those Two Guys
- Time Travel - The Zeitmanipular is a time travel device