Transformers: All Hail Megatron/YMMV

  • Base Breaker: The series itself, which moved away from Simon Furman's ongoing cosmic storyline in the hope that a change in story direction would help stop the trend of continually falling sales. Sales leveled out and stabilized, so from that perspective the series accomplished its goals. However, it quickly became extremely controversial, with some fans very unhappy about dropped plot elements from Simon Furman's run on the book as well as the reversion to older designs for some characters.
    • The current editor of Transformers, Andy Schmidt, said that the decline in sales over the course of the 'ations wasn't as great as previous editors had hinted at and used to justify the switch, so all the switch to AHM managed to achieve was replacing readers they lost because of the switch to AHM, making their previous readers unhappy in the process.
    • Drift also counts.
  • Creator's Pet: Drift.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight / Funny Aneurysm Moment (Your Mileage May Vary): When Drift was hyped and during his debut, he was the butt of many Poochie jokes, including the classic "Whenever Drift isn't on panel, the other characters must ask 'Where's Drift?'". In issue 7, that exact scenario happens. It happens again the next issue, too. Depending on your mood, stance, point of view or whatever... it was either hilarious or infuriating.
  • Hype Backlash: Much of the anti-Drift sentiment was in response to the "He's awesome and you're gonna love him" shilling.
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