< Trans 9

Trans 9/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Superboy and the Nanoha cast's response to the news that Mei-Xing is keeping a clone as an organ donor.
    • The Ohm certainly count, considering they have yet to give an honest reason for why they are destroying reality after reality.
      • Recent efforts by the crew to communicate have revealed that the Ohm are acting out of... well, something other than malice, anyway.
    • Nemo, leader of the Catastrophists, starts insulting Superboy and Supergirl the moment he comes upon them right after Superman's heroic sacrifice, beats them both down into a near bloody pulp, and promptly steals some blood from Superman's body. Not to mention that Q warned the crew about him.
    • The crew are starting to regard the Daligig themselves this way, after an incriminating Sensorium log of the first crew's mutiny, repodding half the senior staff, and trying to Punish two crew members for desertion.
  • Crossover Ship: Played straight with Hellion/Supergirl, Steve/Miku and, the oddballs of the bunch, Shadow the Hedgehog/Demon Alessa and Reinforce Zwei/Kazami Shiro.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Shadow and Cassie talk about things going south after the elections. The next month? Part of the crew is attacked by Xenomorphs and Cassie is killed in a hostage situation.
  • Kick The Bitch: Considering how much of a major jerkass Big Zero is both in-canon and on the ship her receiving the Punishment and eventual death may count as this for Stacy and Nathaniel Richards respectively.
  • Memetic Badass: Quite a few. Captain Picard punching out a velociraptor deserves special mention, as it caught on both in- and out-of-character.
  • Memetic Mutation: Cassie Lang's robot fetish has caught on as an OOC meme.
  • Toy Ship: Vivio had an utter crush on Fletcher, yet didn't realize Komali might have had one on her, too. Toy Ship Love Triangle?
    • Vivio's crush on Fletcher was also an Ascended Meme, as it started out as a joke among muns and then became canon.
  • The Woobie: Steve. Poor, infected, unlucky, pissed-off little Steve.
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