< Trailer Park Boys

Trailer Park Boys/YMMV

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Conky - More likely Bubbles himself, as he became easily the most beloved character on the show.
  • Idiot Plot: The majority of the time, the plots are rather far fetched and silly, but they're still practical to the situation they're facing. Season 7 just takes it a little far when they decide to build a track for a toy train to transport their drugs over the border to the USA. There are literally dozens of ways they could have made this easier, like simply filling a garbage bag, going into the woods, and throwing it across the border at night time. The fact that their 'henchmen' were able to spend enough time there to make the track without getting caught just proves they could have pulled it off that way. Clearly a case of Jumping the Shark, at the creators were just trying to keep up with the Rule of Funny, and were running out of good, plausible ideas.
  • Nightmare Fuel Unleaded: Conky again. Played for laughs with the ominous music that accompanies him, but the viewer is never quite sure whether Bubbles is in control of him.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Trina Lahey was played by Ellen Page, years before she starred in Juno.
  • Seasonal Rot: Season 7.
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