< ToyHammer


  • Complete Monster:
    • Ryan, both before and after his transformation. Oh. SO. MUCH!
    • the Chaos Sorcerer and his treatment of Batel...and everything else, really.
  • Crack Pairing: Michael and Zara, for rather obvious reasons: One's a twenty-something male human living on 21st century Earth, the other's a century-and-a-half-old Eldar Farseer who's only a couple of inches tall. It's saying something when the Rose of Slaanesh thinks that it's really strange that the two are a pair.
  • Crazy Awesome: The united 'Order' forces getting their act together in Chapter 19, and kicking serious ass.
  • Evil Is Sexy: The Rose of Slaanesh.
  • Fan Nickname: The Emma-peror and La Emperadora for Emma.
  • Mary Sue: Averted Trope, as the only reason Michael is in this story is because of his Blessed with Suck powers of Weirdness Magnetism providing the Warp Gate that put them there as a 'path of least resistance'. Plus, the reason he's able to keep several BadassArmies from killing each other and him? Part of the Superpower Lottery winnings was that he is able to manipulate people's perceptions. On the normal scale between humans, this means he's mildly charismatic to negate his shyness. On the mini scale, he could convince Space Marines convinces ORKS to cease fire.
    • Plus, the guy has taken a lot of injuries and has (almost) never been on the winning end of a serious battle. The slapstick violence between him and the minis, however, is about even and what you'd expect from a comedy.
  • Memetic Mutation: /tg/ and other 4chan memes are used and sometimes lampshaded by the Genre Savvy characters.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Long after he has killed his first daemon, Michael still choked up in fear whenever he so much as thought about them. Of course, this leads to...
  • Nightmare Retardant: Apparently, the sight of daemons literally vaporizing from being shot up by a literal wall of Gatling guns works well for this.
  • No Yay: During Chapter 25, the Rose of Slaanesh's...relationship with Michael becomes more and more disturbing, and it becomes exceedingly clear what kind of a relationship Michael would have with her.
  • Shipping: Quite a bit of the fan following ships Michael/Zara, Meliya/Sohm and Amadeus/Samisha. Pretty much guarantees this, too, since there isn't much in the way of romantic competition (yet) and their real problem is that their partner might die in combat, as none of them are non-combatants.
  • The Woobie:
    • Batel... oh poor, abused Batel. She's getting better, although only in small steps.
    • Played for Laughs in the first Ordo Vermin Omake with Shas'la Wu'bie.
    • Ishabeth could have easily become one, but she doesn't treat her past trauma as anything but just that - the past.
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