< Tower Heist

Tower Heist/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The whole "shoplifting sequence"
    • Odessa flirting with Slide while teaching him how to crack the safe. Especially his reactions to it.
    • The discussion about lesbians.
    • Slide's mention of a woman's "fat ass".
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: Barely subverted by Josh and Claire, in that they don't actually get the opportunity to date and fall in love, and the relationship really can't go anywhere because of how the film ends.
  • What an Idiot!: Slide asks Josh, Enrique, Charlie and Fitz to steal $50 worth of stuff to prove themselves to being part of the heist. He asks them to leave their wallets behind so they can't buy anything and claim they stole it. When they return, Slide calls them out for leaving their wallets behind with a thief, namely, him.
    • Fridge Brilliance: Slide steals a total of $170 from the four of them, roughly $50 a piece, so he stole from them what they stole from others.
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