Towa no Quon
Towa no Quon is a new[when?] animated film directed by the late Umanosuke Iida (with Takeshi Mori, of Vandread fame, acting as "collaborative director" in his place) and produced by Studio BONES. The six-part anime film brings together an all-star voice cast with Hiroshi Kamiya (Otonashi of Angel Beats!) voicing the title character and Saori Hayami of Clannad fame voicing his battle partner.
In a futuristic Tokyo, unique human beings are developing strange abilities and are being hunted by a mysterious organization known as Custos. Known as "Attractors", these humans join forces to defend themselves and create a place where they can live in peace, led by a boy named Quon, an idealist who is determined to save all the Attractors he can.
Sentai Filmworks announced during the 2011 Anime Weekend Atlanta that they have licensed the film series and is currently broadcasting it on their Anime Network subtitled on a biweekly basis starting on Thursday, October 13th. A DVD and Blu-Ray release is expected to follow shortly afterwards.
- Action Girl: Yuri
- Art Shift: The beginning of Chapter 4.
- Badass Longcoat: Quon wears an orange one in human form.
- Berserk Button: After the 4th chapter, nobody should dare to call Shun Epsilon, ever.
- Bishonen: Quon, Ryou and Epsilon/Shun. Interesting fact is that Shun has the appearance of a somewhat traditional bishonen look.
- Blessed with Suck: Most of the powers, considering they come with a constant risk of the user completely losing control of them.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Quon
- Dark and Troubled Past: Just about every character's got one.
- George Lucas Throwback: The character designs and animation style are clearly a homage to 80's anime such as those by Leiji Matsumoto. The Art Shift beginning of Chapter 4 are especially blatant homage of violent, surreal anime of days gone by.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: See Healing Factor below. Quon receives injuries that would be fatal to just about anyone else almost Once an Episode.
- Government Conspiracy: Averted. The group going after the kids are revealed to be unassociated with the Japanese government.
- Healing Factor: One of Quon's abilities, to the point of him being Nigh Invulnerable. And it's a good thing, too.
- Healing Hands: Quon's brother, Towa.
- Kiri also has a Healing Voice.
- Heel Face Turn: Epsilon/Shun in Chapter 4.
- The Hero: Quon
- Heroic Sacrifice: A wounded Shun blows himself up so that everybody else can escape from a self-destructing building in Chapter 6.
- I Am Who?: Epsilon/Shun Kazami, it turns out in Chapter 4 that he is actually an Attractor, with the power to control fire. This also caused the death of his beloved younger sister.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Kiri has this as an ability, on top of being able to heal people's injuries by singing.
- Mr. Fanservice: Shun.
- Mission Control: Many of Quon's friends stay behind and watch the progress of his mission via their powers.
- Nice Guy: Quon.
- Omniscient Council of Vagueness: The Order.
- Playing with Fire: Shun/Epsilon's power.
- Power Incontinence: The Attractors, with few exceptions, suffer badly from this. Most of the people at Fantasium have to wear special bracelets to keep their powers in check.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Quon may look like a teenager, but he's really over 1000 years old.
- Repressed Memories: Shun/Epsilon repressed his memories of killing his sister. These memories being brought to the surface led to him awakening as an Attractor and his subsequent Heel Face Turn.
- Sinister Geometry: Custos uses some rather intimidating vehicles.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Miu.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Courtesy of the awakened children and their pursuers.
- Super Speed: Yuri's ability.
- Technopath: Ryo
- Telepathy: This is Tei's power.
- Thinking Up Portals: Takao's ability. Though he usually gets seriously injured whenever he uses it.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 4.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Yuri
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Epsilon/Shun.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Tei is a very traditional example of this Trope. Right down to walking around in a kimono.