Touhou Tonari
"The child of Fujimi. She, who had the great poet as her father... With her ability to invoke death in any human being, and the mystery of her fated connection with the Saigyou Ayakashi... It is no wonder that soon after her birth, she was sentenced to a lifetime of seclusion."—Yukari about Yuyuko.
Touhou Tonari (full name: Touhou Tonari Atte Futari, Mukai Atte Sannin, Two By This Side, Three By The Other Side) is an Touhou fan manga released in 2008 written and illustrated by "Personal Color" focusing on Yuyuko's backstory and her relation to Yukari based on known fact's and fan speculations from Perfect Cherry Blossom. As one might expect, it's a Tear Jerker.
Tropes used in Touhou Tonari include:
- The Aloner: Just in case the quote at the top of the page didn't hammer the point home.
- Bad Powers, Good People: Deconstructed, hard.
- Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: This is how Yuyuko's power manifests when she is alive.
- Cooldown Hug: Yuyuko gives Yukari one after she had touched the diary and seen Yuyuko's last moments alive, sending Yukari into an Heroic BSOD.
- Cute Ghost Girl
- Despair Event Horizon
- Despair Speech: soon follows.
- Doomed by Canon: Yuyuko.
- Driven to Suicide
- Drop What You Are Doing: Yuyuko drops her paper fan after Yukari touched one of her butterflies and survived, directly followed by her shedding tears.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Yuyuko delivers this to Yukari in one scene.
- Heavy Sleeper: Yukari, with a rather dark twist. The events of Yuyuko's death caused her to be severly traumatized and she gets a Heroic BSOD every winter if she doesn't.
- Heroic BSOD: Yuyuko has this when she noticed that her butterflies started to cause pain even for Yukari after the latter had spent several years by her side removing said butterflies. Yuyuko's suicide soon followed.
- Said suicide caused one for Yukari as well.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Yuyuko, a young girl with the ability to invoke death and Yukari, an ancient Reality Warper.
- Les Yay: However it is quite noticable that Personal Color tried to avert this trope as much as possible.
- Power Incontinence: This was a severe problem for Yuyuko when she was alive, her power sometimes leaked if she didn't use it regulary.
- Superpower Meltdown: Ran asked Yukari to why she didn't just seal Yuyuko's power. Yukari replied with that this would be the inevitable end result.
- Tender Tears: When Yukari appeared unafected by the butterflies of death, Yuyuko shed these.
- What The Hell Yukari: Yuyuko confronts Yukari about her decision to revive Yuyuko claiming that she was just running away rather than face the sadness of losing someone.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
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