Touhou Soccer

Touhou Soccer Moushuuden, also known as Touhou Soccer 2, is a sequel to Touhou Soccer that expands on the original game by adding various new features. It includes the original game's Main Scenario mode, and adds sub-scenarios for a number of characters in which you can unlock new moves. It also features Campaign Mode, a 25-game mode focused on building your own team by buying players and items; and All-Star Mode, where you can play exhibition matches against the AI or other players.

It is basically a parody of Captain Tsubasa but quite different in many ways.

This game provides hilarity among fans for various reasons, most of which will be listed below.

Tropes associated with Touhou Soccer Moushuuden include:

  • Deface of the Moon: Youmu's Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash, in which she carves the attack's name into the moon before slicing it in half.
  • Glass Cannon: Mima is overwhelmingly powerful on the offensive front. Defensively... not so much.
  • Humongous Mecha: Made out of folding chairs, even.
  • Made of Indestructium: That soccer ball. It takes every special attack that the characters can throw at it and keeps on going. A running joke amongst players is that the ball has either been imbued with the Hourai Elixir or is, in fact, Reimu's Yin-Yang Orb.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Seriously. The often overpowered residents of Gensokyo are utilizing their various abilities just to play soccer.
  • Squishy Wizard: Patchouli's stats are strong overall, but she uses Guts quickly and doesn't recover any extra from either halftime or the Orthodox formation.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill
  • Wave Motion Gun: Mima's Twilight Spark.
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