< Total Annihilation
Total Annihilation/YMMV
- Crowning Music of Awesome (Composer: Jeremy Soule. The intro music and the battle themes especially)
- Some tracks seem to channel Star Wars - not that it is bad!
- Excuse Plot: Early in development, the two sides were the Rounds (who were cloned in round test tubes) versus the Squares (who were cloned in square tubes).
- Fan Nickname (Many, such as "Blue Laser of Death" for the most powerful beam weapon, and "Gator" for the Instigator light tank.)
- Game Breaker (Peewee, Flash, Brawler, nukes, fan-made unit Karganeth, although the latter is justified by its insane requirements -- you're looking at about an hour to build the big guy.)
- Unless you send in a fleet of construction planes to speed up the process. Given enough of them, you can have him in ten minutes. Of course the resource drain will be huge, so your economy has to be able to support it.
- Air transports can only carry one ground unit at a time, but that includes enemy units. If an air transport carrying another unit is destroyed, the unit goes with it. Zerg Rush the enemy base with a flight of air transports, order them to pick up the Commander, and then laugh as the enemy forces continue firing, destroying their own Commander. Or use the self destruct.
- Good Bad Bugs (Notably, the long-range artillery can be made even longer-range by commanding it to force-fire directly in front of it, which confuses the AI into elevating the barrel and throwing shells in an arc across the map)
- Some mods "fix" this by increasing the artillery's max range to take advantage of this angle adjustment.
- Memetic Mutation (A minor one courtesy of the Badass Opening Narration. Just change a few words and you can apply it to lots of things! Then Hilarity Ensues.)
- Misaimed Fandom (The Core are the far more popular side in fandom, while Word of God says the creators regard the Arm as unambiguously the good guys)
- On the flipside, the ARM are more popular in the Metagame due to their reliance on speed and firepower over armor favoring more aggressive tactics.
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