Toshiue no Hito
Toshiue no Hito is a 6-volume adult manga by Ryuta Amazume about the relationship between a young university student and an older woman.
Tsutomu is starting his second year of university when he has a dream about a girl he never remembered meeting. Considering what happened in the dream, he and his friends wonder why he couldn't remember if it happened or not.
As they walk to their club's stall at the university fair, he sees what looks like a cute teenage girl applying to join them. Who looks identical to the one he dreamt of.
When they go out for drinks, she introduces herself as Osani Ageha and reveals that she's 25 years old, to the disbelief of everyone.
Then everyone gets drunk, Tsutomu ends up at her place but before things can progress, he gets a call to say that his dorm burned down. Later, as he's asking round for a place to crash, Ageha offers him the chance to live with her. What follows is an exploration of two people growing together as a couple, with plenty of upheaval caused by their respective baggage.
- Beach Episode: They go to the beach to raise funds for the club, leaving precious little time for play. The girls still dress in bikinis though.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Morino hated all the male attention she received when she grew her boobs, and was even sexually harassed in her first year at uni until Tsutomu stepped in.
- Bokukko
- Christmas Cake
- Crowning Moment of Funny: When the boys and girls start drinking and discussion turns to Tsutomu's sex life. When he reveals how wide his willy is, the boy's faces are a picture, but it's the girl's reactions that take the floor prize.
- Girl of My Dreams: It starts out as such, but Tsutomu realises that Ageha's her own person, not the girl he was dreaming of, and becomes nervous again.
- Harsh Word Impact
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Not only in height, but also in, er, girth.
- Ill Boy: Ageha's former husband.
- Imagine Spot
- Legal Jailbait: Ageha wavers between being annoyed by people commenting on her near-preteen looks and not caring.
- The Missus and the Ex: His ex-girlfriend and club-member Morino is understandably annoyed that Tsutomu's worked through his impotence once he started going out with Ageha. Doubly so because of the implication that he wasn't attracted to her body type, but Ageha's. Cue Love Triangle.
- Moment Killer: A deliberate one on Morino's part.
- Older Than They Look: Ageha looks so young, she's able to model teenager's clothes.
- Pettanko
- Porn Stash
- Porn with Plot: Nudity and sex? Present. Compelling relationship? Also present.
- Pretty Freeloaders
- Raging Stiffie: At the start, even the memory of the dream makes Tsutomu's thing stand to attention.
- The Tease
- Unlucky Busty Girl: Poor Morino.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Subverted. Ageha has some of the prerequisites, but her troubled past drove her to run away to a new life in university, which is not how it's supposed to go.