Torture Chamber Episode

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    Torture. That word should evoke all kinds of horrible images of pain and suffering and humiliation. Even when it is merely described, it has the effect of reducing many to wailing shivers. It takes a special kind of person to withstand brutal torture. No surprise, those characters make excellent heroes.

    An episode about reinforcing how Badass the hero is... by showing them completely helpless and at the mercy of someone who doesn't have their best interests. Expect a lot of defiant comebacks. The torturer will almost always be Affably Evil. A Battle of Wits is commonplace also. Permanent psychological damage is a possibility.

    Subtrope of Bottle Episode.

    Examples of Torture Chamber Episode include:


    Live Action TV

    • The Stargate SG-1 episode "Abyss" is about Jack being tortured for information by Ba'al—mostly information he doesn't actually know.
    • Star Trek: The Next Generation: The source of the page quote is "The Chain of Command, Part II". Picard, after being captured by Cardassians, is tortured for information. When the torturer is failing to make any progress in breaking Picard, he attempts to get Picard to tell him that there are five lights when there are only four. Picard defiantly insists there are four lights, despite being put through a full-body pain experience every time. In the end, Picard doesn't break, and leaves the torturer sobbing. He later tells his counselor that he in fact, did see five lights, the final time he was asked.
    • Babylon 5: After being captured by the Clark Administration, Sheridan was sent to an interrogation center on Mars, where he underwent brutal psychological torture and attempts to subvert his hold on reality. It didn't work.
      • Another B5 example: G'Kar, after captured by the Centauri under Emperor Cartagia. As part of his scheme with Londo, he needed to stay alive, and this involved giving up his pride to preserve his life, giving Cartagia his scream.

    "I must have my scream."

    Western Animation

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