< Toriko


Master Higgins is one of Toriko's ancestors

If Master Higgins doesn't get food quickly, he dies. Toriko has the same problem whan it comes to food.

That penguin baby that follows Komatsu is Elizabeth

He/She/It will grow up to train to be a great samurai with Zura Katsura to avenge his/her/its dead parents.

This is a satire of the Big Eater tendencies of shonen heroes.

Eating a lot is his most major personality trait. Creating the world's best feast is his entire motivation. This has got to be a Lampshade Hanging.

Toriko will fight a cannibal.

With a show this food-obsessed, you know one of the bad guys will at least imply cannibalistic tendencies at some point, maybe with a taste for Gourmet Cells. He will most definitely be a Complete Monster.

  • It will most likely be Komatsu or Rin that the cannibal kidnaps, prompting a rescue by Toriko and anyone else in on it. Komatsu to lure out Toriko, Rin because of her Gourmet Cells.
  • Already happened. Grinpatch wanted to eat both Terry and Toriko, but decided that they aren't tasty enough yet.

The Bishokuya has caused Hyper-Hyperinflation

The "expensive" food ingredients you see in the manga are actually worth their Real Life counterparts, it's just the Yen just dipped its buying power so badly. The more common "cheap" ingredients are just sold in such a low price (in relation to the current inflation) because of new innovations in food making.

Zebra will have super-hearing.

Each of the four kings seen thus far has a different superhuman sense. Toriko has a super keen nose, Coco has super-vision, and Sani has his touch. So by process of elimination we can assume Zebra will have superhuman hearing.

  • Confirmed as mentioned by Toriko in chapter 121. Though we will have to wait (if he is to ever show up) to see it in action.
    • He has.
      • Not only can he hear things at absurd distances, but he can pitch his voice over tens of kilometers so that he sounds like he's standing right next to the person he's talking to.

Toriko will turn down GOD as his main dish.

GOD is the super-ultra-special ingredient that changed the world. The problem is that it will probably taste so absolutely fantastic on its own that Toriko won't be able to put it in his full course meal. Why? Because none of the other foods in his full course meal will be able to go along with it, because it's just too good. Thus, the story will probably end with Toriko turning down the idea of using GOD as his main course and instead end with an The Adventure Continues type ending where he and Komatsu set off to find an ingredient better suited to being his main dish.

Toriko and komatsu will have a child. Komatsu will became a better chef that Setsuno

Toriko's son/daughter would wish to make a menu who can beat his father's menu, and komatsu's daughter/son would wish to be a better chef than her/his father, and the only way to make that is work together with the son/daughter who helped their parents to made the best full course menu/ to be the best chef in earth. One has to be male and the other female because it could be more funny that way. Because toriko's son/daughter wish to made a better menu, he/she would never put anyone of his father's dishes in his/her menu. Rin could be toriko's wife.

"Gourmet Cells" are a type of "Super" Stem Cell

This is what gives them their amazing adaptability, vitality, and a virtually "omnipotent" potentiality. Unlike normal stem cells, they change into "normal" cells, but still keep their adaptability and ability to change and "evolve". Since I assume stem cells also extent to plants, since they're found in all multi-cellular organisms, this explains how Toriko was able to release a scent that relaxed insects after being attacked by so many of them: his cells were adapting as a defense mechanism, and due to "nigh-omnipotent" potentiality, it mimcked the scent of trees in a forest.

The series takes place in the same universe as Zoofights

It's mentioned that the IGO sponsors both horrible mashups of various creatures and arena combat of said creatures. Considering the ridiculously high power level of most of the beasts in the series, it can be assumed that is is simply Zoofights in the far future.

Sunny's mother is none other than Princess Celestia

It's a strange coincidence that Sunny has the same hair style as the Princess of Equestria.

This is the Earth of Dragonball, thousands of years in the future, and Toriko and many others in the show are descended from Goku

Someone wished on the dragonballs for the world to be full of wondrous and unbelievable gourmet foods. All the most powerful characters appear to be very big eaters. The Gourmet Cells were mentioned to have a good chance of killing you, rather than giving you power, so it would stand to reason that only those with Saiyen blood can handle them. The gourmet cells give them access to their saiyen power, minus the Oozaru form. Additionally, Zonge is descended from Hercule Satan. Because it's too funny not to be true.

Midora, the leader of Bishokukai is actually Sunny's father

A guess based solely on the fact that Midora seems to be able to control his hair just like Sunny.

Zonge is one of Monchy's Quintuplet Siblings

I can't have been the only who thought of the resemblance between Zonge and Monchy when I first saw the latter. Even if Monchy wears a Sumo Mask, I have a bet that when it comes off...

Toriko will learn "Spoon" from Master Chin

It is a given, because Master Chin actually wants to teach Toriko the secret food technique of the Shokurin Temple. It will also complete his "Silver ware set", finally adding the "Spoon" to the "Knife" and "Fork".

Ichiryuu has a teacher in place for every single one of the Heavenly Kings

Sani was taught how to use "Instinct" to control his touches at 100% efficiency by Guemon. That was his weakness, and he was sent there by Yosaku. Now, Toriko has been sent to Master Chin, in order to learn the Secret Food Technique: "Spoon", and "Food Honour". Toriko normally is a glutton, so this would be his "weakness".

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