< Toontown Online

Toontown Online/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced - Membership exploded when Accessories were added to let you customize your Toon further.
  • Anvilicious - Alright, I get it... Pollution causes plants and nature to die out (the point of the Sellbot HQ [which consists of factories with tons of smoke coming out of them] be directly next to Daisy's Gardens) and money gets in the way of our dreams and goals (hence the Cashbot HQ to be directly be next to Donald's Dreamland).
    • ...Really?
  • Ear Worm - Most of the themes are catchy and fun, like the game implies. Heck, even the boss-battles sound great!
  • Ensemble Darkhorse - The Cogs are WAY cooler than Toons, come on, admit it, you root for them at times.
  • Fandom Rivalry - It's pretty much this game, Pirates of The Caribbean Online, and Pixie Hollow vrs. Club Penguin. There was already some fire between the three, but once it was announced that all three games were closing directly because of Disney mobile apps and Club Penguin, people started chucking bombs at each other.
  • Game Breaker - See Fantastic Racism above. To go into more detail, the most common way of beating high-level Cogs is by having two or three Toons use a Fog Horn Sound gag, and having the remaining Toons use an Elephant Trunk. This has the capacity to destroy full teams of level 11 or 12 Cogs (depending on how many Fog Horns). Toons can take turns using either gag, allowing them to destroy waves of Cogs with no effort and even less thought.
  • Nightmare Fuel - Imagine living in a world where random robots just started to come over and destroyed our way of life as we know it?
    • Don't forget the various music for Bossbot HQ and the theme of it. Going to Bossbot HQ late at night when it's dark out is enough to give someone the chills. (Especially if you're the only person there).
      • Skelecogs can fall under this trope too. Not only do they look like disassembled animatronics, but their distorted voices that sound much more robotic than the normal cog voice alone is probably enough to give the younger players of the game nightmares.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: While being The Scrappy for being That One Level, as described below, Lil Old Man can also show up as an SOS Card from the Sellbot VP. He performs perfectly accurate Hypno-Goggles, which can come very handy if a Toon or a team of Toons really need a Lure, badly.
  • Revival - A fan revival, no less. After the game's closure was announced, fans started signing a whole load of petitions to keep the game open. Disney never responded to any of them. After the game closed, however, a whole load of private servers of the game started popping up, the most successful of which, Toontown Rewritten [dead link] , having been released to the public on September 19 2014, exactly one year after the game's closure.
  • The Scrappy: Several of the NPCs who give you incredibly lengthy and annoying Toontasks, most notably Lil Old Man.
  • That One Level: Three words. Lil Old Man.
    • The first time you meet him, he's not so bad. The second time...He gives you 20 4+ story buildings to do. Better get to it!
  • Viewer Gender Confusion - The only way to tell the difference between a male toon and a female toon is if they can wear a skirt and if they have eyelashes. Same with Doodles.
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