Too Many Cooks (short)
Too Many Cooks is a dark comedy short that originally aired as a special during Adult Swim's "infomercials" block. After its original airing, the piece became a viral video online and was repeated each night at midnight Eastern Time during the week of November 11, 2014.
The video begins as a parody of opening credits sequences of 1980s and 1990s American situation comedies, then television crime dramas, prime time soap operas, Saturday-morning cartoons, and science fiction television shows. Afterwards, however, it morphs into a surreal narrative that includes slasher film elements, in which many of the multitude of stock characters introduced in the opening credits are brutally murdered by a homicidal maniac with a machete, who then proceeds to cook and eat them.
Watch it here.
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- Nothing Is Scarier: Most people probably only notice the murderer at around the 3:18 mark. But watch the video again, and you'll notice that the murderer appears well before then.