< Tomba!


  • Accidental Innuendo: A miner in the second game says "You've got some good stuff! Let me have some of it!". He's talking about the Power Coal, but out of context, it can sound like he's talking about drugs or something.
  • Anticlimax Boss: The True Evil Pig in the first game. Partly justified, since his boss battle is identical to the previous ones, hence luck based.
  • Author's Saving Throw: The English version of Tomba! 2 was put on PSN on November 1st, 2015.
    • Putting the Japanese version of Tomba! 2 on the PSN store and being subtle about the fact that it's in Japanese? Crappy. Giving the people who bought that Japanese version the English version for free? Great compensation.
  • Crack is Cheaper: Thanks to the people handling Tomba! 2's PSN rerelease apparently believing everyone knows how to speak Japanese, physical copies for the English version of the game can go anywhere from 200 to 300 dollars in price.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Both games have some good music such as the boss fight theme in both games.
  • Cult Classic
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Charles, Yan, Mizuno and the Mermaid in the first game.
  • Game Breaker: The Magical Bowl in the first game which doubled your health from eight hit points to sixteen.
  • Good Bad Bugs: If you owned a disc of Tomba! 2 and played it on your PS3, the music would bug out and fail to loop, instead playing a somewhat distorted version of a song from a different area (for example, in Circus Village, after completing the song in full, it would play a distorted version of the Water Temple after the curse had been lifted). This is the reason why Tomba! 2 took so long to be put on the store, but if you listen, the game will still play a second of the distorted song before looping.
  • Narm (Charm?): The voices are just... well...
    • Hilariously, all of the non-story-related NPCs in the second game were voiced by the same person.
  • That One Boss: The Red Pig is considered the most difficult.
    • The Orange Pig in the jungle is also pretty bad due the fight being in a tall and vertical room and the bag was rotating at the top of a series of tiny platforms.
    • The evil Earth Pig in the second game may also count.
    • The fight with the Yellow Pig has the entire fight take place underwater, which limits your movement and ability to attack. To make things worse, you will likely be stuck in the whirlpool for most of the fight while the boss is constantly moving around and attacking you.
  • That One Level: The cursed version of Phoenix Mountain. Especially the second section of the mountain where you need to jump across a bottomless pit on three extremely narrow platforms spaced really far apart without messing up and falling into the bottomless pit. It is also not made any easier by the fact that the wind makes it impossible to time your jumps carefully.
    • It gets even worse when you're inside the mountain and have to carefully jump onto a series of small platforms to avoid the pits of fire on the bottom.
  • That One Sidequest: The Race mini-game in the first game, and the Trolley one in the second.
    • The race in the first game was actually pretty simple when you learned the trick, avoid jumping as much as possible unless there's a direct obstacle, and stay on the ground as long as you can so you can stay at top speed which would allow you to finish the race.
    • From the second game, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the Secret Towers. Each of which requires a pair of Guide Dang It sidequests to even get the key to open. Then you have to find the door to each (also a Guide Dang It, as the game gives no hint as to where the doors are, and they're invisible). Oh, and there are three of them. Most players give up long before discovering the Platform Hell within.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: One of the common complaints about the sequel.
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