Tom Hiddleston

"It's all of them against me. I am the supervillain. So it's Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Nick Fury forming a team because I've got so badass."
Born 9 February 1981, Tom Hiddleston is an English actor best known for his role as Loki in Thor and The Avengers.
Associated Tropes:
- Adorkable: Watch any given interview with him for proof.
- Big Brother Mentor: Kenneth Branagh seems to be a form of this to him--they worked together in Wallander, Conspiracy (2001) and a theatre production of Anton Chekhov's Ivanov, after which Branagh gave him his big break in Thor.
- Celebrity Paradox: He managed to bring this trope into real life when he started engaging with a Loki account on Twitter. Both confusion and delight ensued from the fandom.
- Dyeing for Your Art: From 'Gene Wilder curls' to Loki's straight black locks.
- He also did extensive physical preparation for the role--after gaining a great deal of muscle to play Thor, he trimmed down and studied Capoeira, among other things, to play Loki.
- Fan Nickname: "Hiddles."
- And his more dedicated fans: "Hiddlestoners."
- Another nickname for his fans: "Loki's Army."
- Manly Tears: Is not afraid to admit it when he is moved to tears by various artistic things. He stated that while watching Warrior, he cried more than he has since he "was eight years old and thought [he] was lost in the woods."
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: He's known to American audiences for playing the villainous Loki, but in interviews he can't stop beaming about how wonderful it all is and how much he loves the role and his co-stars.
- From Stan Lee's Twitter: "And if you want a cooler than cool villain who's also the nicest guy you'll ever meet--I give you Loki's alter ego, Tom Hiddleston."
- Not to mention his shout-out to his fans on Tumblr.
- From Stan Lee's Twitter: "And if you want a cooler than cool villain who's also the nicest guy you'll ever meet--I give you Loki's alter ego, Tom Hiddleston."
- One of Us: A big Comic book fan, he wrote a piece about their impact in the Guardian
- He also seems to share- and thus fuel- the Loki fandom's assessment of the character, usually concluding that all the sociopathic Asgardian needs is forgiveness, self-esteem, and a lot of hugs and "I love you"s.
- One-Scene Wonder: As is true of many characters in Midnight in Paris, Tom makes a lasting impression with only a few scenes. He plays writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- Reality Is Unrealistic: Has been repeatedly asked whether his Blue Eyes have been CGI enhanced in his films. Even in War Horse, where they most definitely weren't. He wasn't sure how to take that.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Given to this in interviews. He did get a double first at Cambridge, after all.
- Signature Laugh. Ehehehe!
- Verbal Tic: "That's amazing!"
- "Bless you for saying that."
- "I love you."
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