Tokyo Tribes
Tokyo Tribes is a series of manga and anime created by Santa Inoue. Heavily based around hip-hop and street culture, it focuses on members of the Saru street gang (Shivuya branch in the original manga, Musashino branch in Tokyo Tribe 2).
Tropes used in Tokyo Tribes include:
- A Nazi by Any Other Name - in Tokyo Tribe 2, the NEO WU-RONZ, after nearly taking over a majority of Tokyo, become the "Skunk Empire", named after its leader and former underling of Mera. The outfits of the Skunk Empire members are reminiscent of Nazi uniforms, with the kana "ズ" in place of the swastika. Even Skunk, who grew a mustache over the course of two episodes, dresses very similarly to Hitler during his reign as the leader of the Skunk Empire.
- Bald of Evil - Mera and Skunk in Tokyo Tribe 2.
- Batter Up - Kai's weapon of choice in Tokyo Tribe 2.
- Bloody Hilarious - The "goosh goosh" rape scene is initially horrifying, but when you see an amount of blood coming from under the door in an amount comparable to The Shining, it immediately Crosses the Line Twice.
- Much less hilarious when you realize that this happened because the victim was split in half vertically.
- Depraved Bisexual - The same place the "goosh goosh" comes from: Buppa, in Tokyo Tribes 2.
- Development Hell - MTV commission an anime back in 2004. What ever happened to it?
- Eye Scream - Renkon the Chef, when Jada Kins eats his eye out in episode 6 of Tokyo Tribe 2.
- Gonk - Buppa, Skunk and some minor characters.
- Fat Bastard - Again, Buppa.
- Groin Attack - Skunk gets his nuts clubbed with a microphone by Sunmi. Serves him right.
- Local Hangout: A Captain Ersatz of Denny's. Yes, Denny's. They're pretty popular in Japan.
- Mafia Princess - Sunmi.
- Memetic Mutation - Goosh goosh.
- Scary Black Man - Jada Kins. Also, to some extent, Mera.
- Villainous BSOD - Buppa, when he gets stabbed in the face by Mera in episode 10 of Tokyo Tribe 2.
- Villainous Glutton - Buppa.
- Watch It for the Meme - Most people have only heard of this series from the above infamous "goosh goosh" scene. Conveniently, it's in the first episode. Nothing on TOW even begins to explain what it is all about.
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