< Tokyo Godfathers
Tokyo Godfathers/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: At the end, when baby Kiyoko is accidentally dropped from a rooftop; Hana runs down the side of the building and catches her. If anyone deserves to be a mother, it's him.
- Don't forget that Hana and Kiyoko are saved by Hana's grabbing onto a building-sized poster -- as a gust of wind blows at just the right amount to bring them safely to the ground. As if God is saying "Good job. Let me take care of the rest."
- Crowning Moment of Funny: There are a bunch, but the scene where Gin is dressed up (against his will) in a Pimped-Out Dress got this troper on the floor.
- And,
"He really was eating for two!"
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Plenty. Notable amongst these is the scene when Miyuki is getting along with the Spanish mother, despite a language barrier; it has a sweet moment when the mother asks after Kiyoko, and Miyuki says, somewhat ironically, "The baby? A gift from God," to which the kind Spanish mother replies, "Yes!"
- The ending is pretty much packed with this. Sakiko's husband tells her that he'll shape up and that they can start over together, the baby is saved and returned to her parents, all three of the protagonists make peace with their loved ones, and Kiyoko's parents insist on making them the baby's godparents, homeless or not (which is even more sweet, when you consider how badly they were treated previously just because they were homeless).
- Tear Jerker: A lot. Miyuki's dream sequence may count. "Where's my angel? What have you done with Angel?"
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