Tokyo Girls Destruction
Welcome to Amazon Academy! A lovely school founded and promoted by Japan's first female Prime Minister in the year 2020, the academy hopes to promote better morals and a well-rounded education among the new and growing generation of women in Japan! Teaching everything from physical education to proper tea ceremony, the school has everything a young woman could want!
A manga series created by "Betten Court" in 2011, Tokyo Girls Destruction tells the story of a girl named Kumi Amasu. Some time after hearing that her older sister Towa died while attending the school, and having no more clues outside of her headband and the name "Burai Sachiko" in her cellphone, Kumi takes it upon herself to attend Amazon Academy and find out who or what was responsible. Of course, Kumi barely finishes her first day of class when she discovers the darker side of Amazon Academy: when the school day is over, the rules go out the window and the students engage each other in a no-holds-barred battle royale for star badges. Those who have them get to enjoy (somewhat) normal school lives, but those without them are treated like slaves.
Kumi's only ray of hope in this Academy is the rogue student Burai Sachiko, the last girl to see Towa before her death who got locked in a prison cell for her trouble. With her help Kumi just might be able to survive long enough to finish her investigation, but can she win her trust?
Think Shitsurakuen without any males where the fights take place in reality.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council: To the point where they have their own tower on campus to hide from other students and even their own security force.
- Academy of Adventure
- Adults Are Useless: They hold some power over the students, but the student council holds power over them.
- Huge Schoolgirl: Sasarano easily towers over every other female student we saw so far.
- Boarding School of Horrors
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Chew Toy: Mineko Hinata is thrown around a lot (sometimes literally), and is forced to end most of her sentences with "meow."
- Eyes Always Shut: Hinata.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul and Eyepatch of Power: The Student Council President has both at the same time.
- Japanese Delinquents: Sasarano and Burai. Both are mainly interested in fighting and violate the school uniform code. The former's "uniform" is even heavily inspired by male Banchou stereotypes.
- Sadist Teacher: Suzaku Hamon, playing this trope painfully straight.
- Social Services Does Not Exist:
- Super Strong Child: Burai is somehow able to kick a thick steel door off its hinges while being chained to the ceiling.
- Sasarano Sara seems to be this aswell.
- Teens Are Monsters
- The Determinator: Kumi, who doesn't give up searching for the truth behind her sister's death and to stay a good person. Also to a degree any of the badgeless students.
- The Starscream: Hinata is this to Kumi.
- The Spartan Way: Apperently how the academy works behind the guise of a traditional elite school. It's designed to produce students with exceptional skills in manipulation, survival and/or determination.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Everyone seems to regard the battle royales as a fact of life at the Academy.
- Verbal Tic: Hinata constantly says "meow" after every sentence. Though not by her own will, a teacher beat it into her to do it, for said teachers amusement.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Kumi. Her sister Towa also "seems" to have been this. It's actualy the reason the student council president hates her.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 10.
- World of Action Girls: Amazon Academy. It's in the name.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: What Amazon Academy seeks to train its students into. The truth is darker and more insidious...