Toho Kingdom Toons
A coherent toon herein shall there be not.
A series of humorous, TV Tropes-aware web cartoons that were made by and shown on a Godzilla and Toho Studios fansite called Toho Kingdom. They completely rework the personalities and nature of many Toho creations, and also include original characters and characters from other works. Except for the characters, most of the shorts have no connection to one another nor overarching storyline.
There are currently more than 100 toons, with more coming every so often!
Can be found here.
- Affably Evil: Godzilla himself is shown to be well-cultured despite being a giant city-destroying monster.
- Likewise, Anguirus as well.
- Also, in one short, Spacegodzilla (One of Godzilla's most powerful and evil foes) is shown to be well-cultured and educated as well and even hosts his own political talk show.
- Animation Bump/Art Evolution: The characters in more recent cartoons are more detailed and look like their movie counterparts and are better animated than in earlier cartoons.
- This is especially evident with Gabara who started out looking like a hooded troll-thing that vaguely resembled his namesake to actually looking like, well, Gabara.
- An Easter Egg in a recent[when?] toon lampshades this with Armor Mothra shifting between his look from the old toons and his look from the new ones.
Armor Mothra': Hi res! Lo res! Hi res! Lo res!
- Big Bad: Mothra and the Shobijin
- The Comically Serious: Monster X, though he's started picking up his own little quirks.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Deutalios and, to some extent, Gabara.
- And now Kiryu seems to be giving them both a run for their money.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: In one episode of Two Toho Monsters Review A Non-Toho Movie, Monster X wants to review a classic Godzilla movie while Gabara wants to review Winnie the Pooh. The result? Destoroyah The Pooh.
- Also, Monster X reviewing the Godfather trilogy while Gabara watches the whole thing on TV is simply hilarious, especially the ending.
- Also, Monster X reviewing the Godfather trilogy while Gabara watches the whole thing on TV is simply hilarious, especially the ending.
- Erudite Stoner: Anguirus certainly seems to talk like one.
- "Where the heck am I man....Is that a mammoth!?"
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot
- Happily Married: Oddly enough Gorosaurus and Megaguirus in recent toons. Monster X and Biollante can count as well, and adopted Celebi as a result.
- Helium Speech: Varan
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Godzilla refers to this trope by name when describing Gabara and Monster X.
- I Am Not Shazam: Hilariously lampshaded in a parody of Destroy All Monsters which spoofs the infamous Baragon/Gorosaurus mis-naming in the film.
News Reporter: Baragon in Paris.
Gorosaurus: WHAT!?!
- Likewise, in another cartoon, Deutalios thought that the Giant Sea Snake from King Kong Escapes was Manda and that Black Moth (A flying lion monster from the obscure film Latitude Zero) was King Seesar.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Kiryu is shown to have terrible aim in the toon "Sexy Grandpa"
Kiryu: (Shooting beams in random directions) I'm out-classing you!
Godzilla: You're not even hitting me.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: Monster X turns into Keizer Ghidorah whenever there's a full moon.
- Memetic Mutation: It references a few, including the "O RLY?" owl.
- During the recent pledge drive special, a caller says that he wishes to donate "OVER NINE THOUSAND!" dollars. Monster X chides him for referencing a meme and hangs up.
- Misaimed Fandom: Parodied. Monster X (AKA Keizer Ghidorah) states that he enjoys the Godfather trilogy because he finds them to be hilarious.
Monster X: The Godfather. Hilarious! The Godfather II. Even funnier! The Godfather III. Not Coppola's best work, but a decent comedy nonetheless.
- Mythology Gag
- No Indoor Voice: Armor Mothra. QUAKE AND TREMBLE!!!!
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Kiryu. Anguirus doesn't fall for it for a second.
- "I'm, like, 73% cetain that you're not the my greatest friend in the whole wide world, man. Dude, I can totally see one of your mechanical arms."
- Pirate: Common theme, so much so that Hedorah and Battra became pirates themselves.
- Refusal of the Call: Subverted. Gabara at first decides to help Monster X with the reviews of mob films after thinking the latter monster is making a mockery of....something. But, then he quickly decides that calzones are more important.
- Running Gag: "Spelled with two K's because it's funny!"
- Sea Monster: Parodied by Gezora
- Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!: Kiryu.
- Sequelitis: Subverted somewhat. Monster X points out that while The Godfather III wasn't Coppola's best work, he thought it was pretty good anyway.
- Shout-Out: To name a few:
- Deutalios' profile states that he can be found "in the sugar mines of Rigel 13."
- In one toon, a familiar-looking slug appears briefly and menaces Gabara.
- Grand Moff Tarkin can be seen in the background of several toons.
- See also Memetic Mutation above.
- Single-Stroke Battle: The "Samurai Duel" toon.
- The Smurfette Principle
- The Stinger: Similar to Homestar Runner", there is usually one at the end that can be activated by clicking something.
- Straight Man: Monster X
- Strawman Political: Gabara for conservatives, Varan and Little Godzilla for young liberals.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Kiryu, again. "I am the real Godzillla...and I'm NOT under no alien control neither!"
- Talking to Himself: Most of the voices are done by one guy, except the females, who aren't that common anyway.
- As of the new season premiere, however, they appear to have picked up a decent voice cast.
- The Asylum: Referenced in a fan mail on a Kaiju Kritics toon, revealing how cheap their studio is and becomes a Running Gag for a few episodes.
- Unexplained Accent: Subverted. Godzilla explains he got his accent due to spending some time at the Bering Sea.
- Villainous Crossdresser: Nurse Destroyah. "Who wants to play Boggle?"
- Very Special Episode: Parodied when Gabara attempts to sell Varan and Little Godzilla a "prodigious potion", which is basically steroids with a different name. The parody part comes in a later toon, when the potion is revealed to be sugar water.
- Web Animation
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Monster X. He's even aware that the fangirls consider him a Woobie, but states that he isn't giving up without a "fighty wighty".
- You Mean "Xmas": Lampshaded when Biollante promises "another sickening, secular, pseuso-Christmas Christmas special!"