< To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird/Awesome

  • Atticus' speech. You know the one.
  • Also, afterwards, "Stand up, Miss Jean Louise. Your father's passing."
    • Really, anytime Atticus talks some sense into his kids, his sister, or the town is a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Miss Maudie: "His food doesn't stick going down, does it?"
  • Boo Radley giving Bob a taste of his own knife.
  • Scout Shaming the Mob.
  • Atticus shooting the rabid dog. At least, it's a Moment of Awesome for his kids, who had no idea how good of a shot he is.
  • There's a murderous mob outside the jail ready to kill Tom Robinson, and Atticus tells them to keep their voices down because he's sleeping. They do; the entire confrontation is held in whispers.
    • Similarly, Scout Shaming the Mob and saving Tom's life without even realizing what she's doing.
      • And the fact that the entire time, there was a sniper ready to defend Atticus and Tom at a moments' notice.
  • Mrs Dubose; see I Die Free for the full quote and explanation.
  • Scout gets another one at the end. Sheriff Tate tells Atticus they need to cover up Boo Radley killing Bob Ewell in defense of Scout and Jem because Boo would be lauded as a hero -- and the undue attention he would get would destroy his life. Scout quietly but forcefully agrees with the Sheriff, telling Atticus she thinks it would be like "killing a mockingbird." The little girl's growing up.
  • Atticus getting honored as the American Film Institute's #1 hero in film history. In comparison, the runner-ups were Indiana Jones and James Bond.
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