< To Catch a Thief

To Catch a Thief/Trivia

  • Channel Hop: Among the six movies that Hitchcock directed for Paramount, only this one averted it when rights to four of the other five went to Hitchcock's estate, and Psycho to Universal.
  • The Danza: Jessie Royce Landis as Jessie Stevens.
  • Dawson Casting: Danielle is a teenager and she says that Francie looks old. She was played by Brigitte Auber, who was 27 at the time, and more than a year older than Grace Kelly.
  • Directing Against Type: The movie is markedly different from Hitchcock's usual style.
  • Executive Meddling: Hitchock and screenwriter John Michael Hayes clashed a lot during production, as Hitchcock wanted the film to go a different way than how Hayes did.
  • What Could Have Been: The original script's ending resolves a lot more than the actual film's ending does, including the arrest of the Big Bad. But apparently much to the script writer's dismay, Hitchcock changed it so that the film ends rather abruptly and with a joke. Hitchcock had wanted to do something similar with Strangers on a Train, end the film at Guy's acquittal, but the studio wouldn't let him.
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