< Tin Man

Tin Man/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Azkadellia while possessed by the Evil Witch of the Dark often approaches this.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The failed pilot episode Lost in Oz used some of the same ideas, particularly the villain being possessed by the original Wicked Witch.
  • Ho Yay: Glitch and Cain, in spades.
  • Narm: "My life is a lie!" Oh, DG...
    • Everyone calls her DG. Everyone, all the time. Even her mother, in extreme times of crisis, only refers to her by initials. Because the incredibly obvious not so clever reference her name is would be ruined if they actually gave her a name. So in one of the films climactic scenes the queen can only say "Deeeeegeeeee!"
      • Wasn't DG her actual given name? Erm, yeah.
  • Magnificent Bitch: Azkadellia. She overthrew her mother, tricked DG into leading her to the Emerald, defeated the Tin Men and almost succeeded in her plan to trap the OZ in eternal darkness. She only reason she didn't is because she had a Heel Face Turn, not because the heroes defeated her.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Glitch's flashback of his lobotomy.
    • The first Wicked Witch. "You can let go, little girl..." *shudders*
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks
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