< Time Crisis

Time Crisis/YMMV

  • Cliché Storm: It's hard to take any of the stories seriously.
  • Excuse Plot: The plots are there mainly to give the player an excuse to shoot stuff.
  • Demonic Spiders: Red mooks who, on their first shot, have a 100% chance of hitting you, knifemen that either suddenly pop up in front of you or throw knives from afar; it's hard to tell if a knife will hit you or not.
    • Played straight in the first game, because there's never any warning if a shot will hit the player or not. Later games are at least kind enough to show a distinct red gunfire effect a split-second before the harmful bullet hits.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Wild Dog in 1 had a moment pretty much most players got REALLY pissed at, an in-game Berserk Button if you will, when he shoots Rachel in the back. AND THE FUCKER LAUGHS AT YOU when you cradle her wounded body before you have the final showdown with him.
    • In Alicia's 'Rescue Missions' in "3", when you fight the traitor Jake in a crowded area, not only does he turn an area full of innocent civilians into a war zone, he also grabs a young girl and later an elderly women and use them as human shields as he shoots at you. What does he do after he is done with them? He throws her to the floor, and kick her on the back. You don't need to feel sorry about killing him at the end.
  • Narm: Not only Captain Will(iam) Rush's name, but some of his lines:

Captain Rush: What are you planning to do with those Terror Bites?
Jack Mathers: We're going to DESTROY this country!

    • And who could forget:

Rachel: Don't come! It's a trap! Oh no!

    • And


  • That One Boss: Sherudo from the first game is a knife-thrower; knives are really hard to time when it comes to dodging. And he brings a bunch of knife-throwing lackeys to cover him!
    • In the PlayStation version, at least, it was possible to shoot them out of the air, if you were ridiculously good or got lucky. Hitting whoever threw them seemed to make them a miss as well.
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