Tights and Fights
Tights and Fights is a transmedia fictional comedy webseries produced by Gopher X. It consists of two series: Captain Euchre aired from October 2007 to February 2008, and Ashes launched in October 2010.
Tights and Fights takes place in Toronto, and often refers to Leslieville, Riverdale Park, Dufferin Mall, and the TTC.
Captain Euchre
The first series, Captain Euchre, is Captain Euchre’s video diary. Armed with a magical deck of Euchre cards, Captain Euchre fights evil alongside his Ronin Force teammates. The first episode of Captain Euchre aired on YouTube on October 26, 2007 (Episode 1 - Overnight Ratings). The final episode was released on YouTube on February 19, 2008 (Episode 52 - Like Lonelygirl15...)
The current series, Ashes, follows the lives of five superheroes -- Evil Trojan Borscht, Fantabulous Gal, Leopard Woman, Major Faultline, and The Plumber -- who must uncover the deadly secret behind Captain Euchre’s disappearance. The first episode of Ashes launched on October 1, 2010. ‘’Ashes’’ is 182 episodes long which are being released on YouTube and https://web.archive.org/web/20170613120807/http://tightsandfights.com/.
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