Three Little Kitties

Three Little Kitties is a fanservicey action comic drawn by Jim Balent (who also drew Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose). Its premise is that of Charlie's Angels like government sponsored heroes with a cat theme fighting crime.

They are opposed by Latex Red, who used to be on the team until it was revealed she was completely sociopathic. Latex is still more than a little bitter she was kicked off the team, and she's dead set on revenge.

Tropes used in Three Little Kitties include:
  • Breast Expansion: Latex got herself implants due to not being as well endowed before she got expelled from the team.
  • Cat Girl: The theme of the good guys. They aren't literally cat women, but their outfits, internal lingo, and gadgets are modeled after the theme.
  • Dominatrix: Latex looks like one, which, given her desire for supremacy, is rather appropriate.
  • Government Sponsored Superhero: Specifically, backed by the U.S. government.
  • Lady In Red: Latex herself.
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