Thousand Arms

The main Thousand Arms cast
A lesser-known Playstation RPG - with a dating sim thrown in. An evil emperor wishes to use the Primordial Flame to become a god and destroy the world. Meis Triumph, Spirit Blacksmith, must journey to protect the Flame and defeat the emperor, as well as date as many ladies as possible (it actually does fit into the plot!) A hilarious game full of flirting, sexual innuendo, Lampshade Hanging, and of course some RPG adventure. Done by the same people who created Sakura Taisen.
- Meis Triumph: Horny Spirit Blacksmith.
- Sodina Dawnfried: Knife-weilding White Magician Girl, main love interest out of a bushel of love interests for Meis. For some reason, she likes him back.
- Muza Grifford: Meis' BFS carrying best friend. Freezes up around women, but manages to fall for Wyna.
- Wyna Grapple: Stripperific pirate girl who wants to live her own life, and thus is often at odds with her father.
- Kyleen Nelphe: Jaded and money-loving, her personality warms up due to the Power of Friendship.
- Soushi Maharoba: Pretty samurai playboy.
- Nelsha Stylus: Desires to be a Dress Master. A little girl, but appears much older when dressed in her possessed clothing.
Tropes used in Thousand Arms include:
- Anime Theme Song: Ayumi Hamasaki performs the opening and ending themes.
- BFS: Muza.
- Berserk Button: General Bolt. He's a nice guy, but he isn't very smart and hates big words. ("I DON'T LIKE DIFFICULT WORDS!!!") When a female junior officer accidentally trips, he forgives her, but after she mentions he is "chivalrous" and "sagacious", he expands his body and spews out bolts which kill every officer in the room.
- Blow You Away: ALL of Muza's skills are wind-based (Twister Blade, Storm Binder, Dynamic Cyclone, Tornado Voice)
- Blue with Shock: Muza, around girls.
- Camera Screw: It'll make you dizzy.
- Camp Gay: Bandiger.
- Casanova: Meis. He flirts with every female he meets, pledges his eternal love to each of the nine girls he dates, and many NPC women yell at him for touching/looking at things he shouldn't. Most of the other males in the game fit this trope as well.
- Cool Boat: The Langoud. It's an entire pirate city!
- Curse Cut Short
- Dating Sim
- Dead Little Sister: Or rather, dead older brother.
- Dirty Old Man: Kanouha.
- Damsel in Distress: Sodina has to be rescued on a couple different occasions.
- Doomed Hometown: However, both towns recover.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: The usual elemental spells, and weapons' elements can be changed depending on which girl is helping with the forging. There is also literal rock paper scissors.
- Eternal Engine: Mounthand.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Random NPCs have such names as Middle Aged Man and Sexy-Lipped Woman.
- Evil Overlord: The Emperor.
- Eyepatch of Power: Wyna. She admits to having two good eyes.
- First Girl Wins: Sodina. Though technically Mil was first...
- Floating Continent: Sharan.
- Frothy Mugs of Water: Chili, eh?
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Bandiger.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: The majority of main characters use blades.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Sodina. She gets better.
- Impoverished Patrician: Named after Meis in the list of RPG cliches.
- Infinity+1 Sword
- Item Crafting: Weapons aren't purchased. The blacksmith hero forges them (with the aid of girls he dates).
- Jerkass: Schmidt.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Schmidt after his painfully unsurprising Face Heel Turn.
- Lampshade Hanging
- Last-Disc Magic: Sodina becomes the Ultimate Summon for the final battle. This should be a good indication to players that using her throughout the rest of the game is completely pointless.
- Leitmotif: Each character gets their own theme tune.
- Level Up At Intimacy 5
- Limited Wardrobe: Lampshaded.
- Medium Awareness
- Minigame Zone: Monster Town Zozotto is full of casinos.
- Monster Town: Zozotto, town of Damashi.
- More Friends, More Benefits
- One-Winged Angel
- Parental Bonus: The whole game is full of such jokes and innuendos, such as a little boy NPC innocently wondering where his father's 'resurrection' is, as his mother will kick him out if he doesn't have it.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Evil Mecha 5.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Nelsha
- Relationship Values
- Reverse Trap: A cloaked figure attacked the party, and then Muza fights that figure using his wind sword specials, blowing the cloak and revealing a very Stripperiffic girl, Wyna.
- Shout-Out: Ratchet, the pink and red clad jester girl, is modeled after Batman:The Animated Series character Harley Quinn. Her constant references to the Dark Master as "Mr. D" are reminiscent of Harley calling the Joker "Mr. J". Ratchet also has a high, squeaky voice and thick Brooklyn accent.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World - The Lucent Cave
- Steampunk
- Stripperific: Wyna. Strangely, she's the only female mistaken for a man at one point...
- Ted Baxter: Meis, of course. He is especially full of himself in some of the dating answers (Not many men are as good-looking as I am!).
- Third Person Person: Nelsha
- Token Mini-Moe: Nelsha. Unless she's wearing some of her possessed clothes. Yes, Meis can date her. It gets a bit creepy when he gives teddy bears to a 12 year old to get a kiss.
- Or it could be thats just an act and the real girl is the one that comes out whenever she's angry.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, Schmidt's hair is more pale blue...
- White Magician Girl: Sodina fits this trope quite well, despite using a knife for her weapon.f
- World Map
- Wutai: Wano. The player never gets to visit there, as it's destroyed first.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Blue, green... it is anime-styled.
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