This Product Will Change Your Life

"Before this trope, I was a fat, lazy, stupid, unwashed schlub who sat on his couch all day eating potato chips and playing Xbox. Now, I'm still a fat, lazy, stupid, unwashed schlub who sits on his couch all day eating potato chips and playing Xbox... but with a cool new hat! Thankyou, This Trope*!"

The universal claim of every lifestyle product advertised on late night television is that using it will change your life. Be it cosmetics, diet aids, exercise equipment, financial seminars, etc. your life will be miraculously transformed with the acquisition of the product. The testimonials in these commercials tend to feature crying women or enthusiastic men extolling the life changing features of the product.

So call now! Operators Are Standing By!

Examples of This Product Will Change Your Life include:


  • Spoofed brilliantly in a commercial for Bubblicious Bursts, which featured oversized bubbles allegedly blown using Bubblicious Burst changing the lives of everyone around them. The announcer billed it as "great for parties!", "fun with cats!" (featuring an uninterested cat standing next to goldfish swimming in the bubble), and even good for helping Dad around the house. "Just ask Superstar Lebron James!" was the next-to-final remark made in the commercial (featuring an image of Lebron blowing a bubble of generic gum with a superimposed thumbs-up over him). The final remark was a large group of people yelling "Thanks, Bubblicious Bursts!" for no particular reason. (Of course, the company included a disclaimer at the end, stating that "Bubblicious Bursts is great for blowing bubbles, and nothing else".)
  • Circa 2012, the satellite television service DirecTV was promoting itself using the slogan "Get DirecTV today: it'll change your life."


  • The Kids in The Hall movie Brain Candy features this testimonial endorsing the wonder drug Gleemonex:

"I used to live on the street. Had cardboard bum from sleeping on cardboard. Then Jesus-- I mean Dr. Cooper gave me his drug. Now I'm more productive. I'm a security guard. With a gun."


  • Douglas Adams' The Meaning of Liff lampshades this, defining the word 'Liff' as any product which does not live up to its claims, and specifically any book with the words 'This Will Change Your Life!' on the cover. The book itself, of course, has a sticker stating just that.

Live-Action Television

  • One of Bernard from Black Books many, many efforts to avoid customers in the store involved him picking up the book closest to the door and handing it to the potential customer, saying "You'll laugh, you'll cry, it'll change your life".


  • "If You Buy This Record (Your Life Will Be Better)", a song by The Tamperer, as one might guess from the title, parodies this trope.
  • This Tom Wait's song will Change Your Life.
    • skip to 2:34 to hear the trope name and possibly turn into a 9 year old hindu boy.

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