< The Young Turks

The Young Turks/YMMV

  • Acceptable Targets: Conservatives, Republicans, some Democrats perceived as insufficiently liberal, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Orly Taitz, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin, to name a few. Also, Schwang-wang-wang-Debbie Schlussel.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Andrew Breitbart, though Cenk subverts it by stating just how much of a Jerkass Breitbart was.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Is Obama an appeaser concerned with impressing people that don't like him, a centrist trying to reach the middle ground of everything, a conservative expanding Bush's policies, or a liberal failing to achieve what he promised?
  • Arc Fatigue: Inverted; it's more along the lines of delays in specific topics worthy of reporting, like Muammar Gaddafi getting killed.
  • Base Breaker: Ana has her fans, but she also has non-fans that find her annoying.
  • Complete Monster: Republicans are often portrayed this way, but the Democrats aren't any better here.
    • From the the Republican side, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and so forth.
    • From the Democrats, it's primarily Rahm Emanuel, Joe Lieberman, Evan Bayh and Barack Obama.
    • For corporations, the Koch brothers, Lloyd Blankfein and Don Blankenship.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Occasionally, the crew will take some time to mention the work of other media presenters that really impressed them. These are meta examples, in that they are the Crowning Moments in the opinion of the Turks.
    • Keith Olbermann's
    • Jack Cafferty's
    • Cenk deserves a Real Life Crowning Moment for turning down an offer from MSNBC. He decided not to accept a substantially higher pay in exchange for compromising his principles. Cenk got a little too hot for the establishment MSNBC and decided to walk away from the offer instead of selling out his audience (you know, us). Check out this video.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: When discussing on Siri's inability to find Abortion Clinics, Cenk decides to see what it can find. His co-host for the discussion was a female. At the very end, after finding out that Siri can find Planned Parenthood clinics, Cenk wants to ask it to find him one more thing.

Cenk: Find me a hooker.
Siri: This escort is not far from you.

    • And then someone asks "Can I borrow that phone for a second?" right after that.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Wes Clark Jr. Whenever he comes to the show (albeit rarely) and drops a Cluster F-Bomb on everyone and everything that he thinks is wrong with the system, he makes Cenk looks like a careful conservative pundit. And the viewers love him for it.
    • People love having Jayar voice his opinions on a lot of issues, to the point where fans were pleasantly suprised that he got a chance to be a the desk.
    • Also, Jimmy Dore is the newest co-host. The viewers were pleased.
    • Steve Oh (AKA Steve the Audio Guy) may be becoming one as well the more he appears on the show.
  • Memetic Mutation: The clip of Cenk elbow dropping his desk has spread like a virus around YouTube.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Played with. Wes apparently had his doubts about Obama to begin with, though Cenk gradually developed the same viewpoint as Wes - that Obama is just another corporatist politician and a Republican disguised as a Democrat. However, as Head-in-The-Sand Management video proved, Obama spit on the face of his base (i.e. the people that voted for him on the hopes of changing the system, which he campaigned on), because he wants to protect his corporate donators, without any regard to the middle or working class.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Judging from the Youtube comments, Ben suffers a lot from this when he is filling in for Cenk.
    • It isn't just him; Gina was particularly disliked when she was filling for Ana.
    • Jacki and Misty got slammed by tons of viewers, even more so than any other replacement host here.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Ben got into this once he became more straightforward and passionate about his segments.
    • Subverted; viewers are starting to dislike how deadpanned he tends to be, since it's getting harder to tell if he's being serious or sarcastic in many of his facetious (i.e. "Nobody likes beer") or oxymorons-esque comments (i.e. "Have people died in Ultimate Fighting? they must have. I know for a fact that people have died in Ultimate Fighting").
  • Unfortunate Implications: Despite actually having someone of Armenian heritage as part of the cast, a casual look at World War I-era history in the Ottoman Empire will tell you why the name of the show doesn't quite sit well with some people, particularly descendants of minorities from the empire.
  • The Scrappy: Quite a few, really.
    • Jill was the main female co-host before Ana, but many didn't like her, for whatever reason.
    • Ben Mankiewicz was often viewed as a Smug Snake and a Jerkass, but it's died down a bit more.
    • There was this one Dumb Blonde that replaced Ana for a while; poeple were glad to see Ana return, and let's leave it at that.
    • Two recent additions are Jacki Bray and Misty Kingma, two overly-gossipy and prissy blond chicks that tend to ramble instead of actually giving a story. Every single video that has them is ripe with dislikes, and every single video with them has the top rated comments addressing the posters' dislike for those two.
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