< The Woobie
The Woobie/Advertising
- Watch the Abilify ad and tell me you don't just want to cuddle the little depression monster black-hole thing.
- The polar bear in the Nissan Leaf commercial. I mean, the poor guy (or, possibly, girl) walks all the way from the arctic to the suburbs to give a man a hug for purchasing a Nissan Leaf and, as the ad implies, saving earth's polar ice caps from melting.
- The Trix Rabbit. You got to feel bad for a rabbit that has had to put with years of selfish kids who won't let him have his Trix because "Trix Are For Kids."
- PC in the Mac vs. PC commercials. If you're thinking of the commercials in a plot-based kind of way, he seems to have gotten progressively desperate. One can only guess that he'll end the commercial runs Lucky Channel-style.
- The various rejected cleaning supplies in the Swiffer commercials.
- The pea in the old Batchelor's advert (UK), made to think about the "old days on the farm, in the pod with all your friends", etc. Its own tears turn it to mush and this is supposed to make you want to eat mushy peas!
- Oh God, I remember that one ... that gave me nightmares, I swear!
- "Nobody ever pays me in gum!" Complete with "Aww..." from the other characters in the commercial.
- The Geico commercial where the Drill Sergeant Nasty is a therapist. His poor client!
- The numerous dogs, cats, and other animals in the various animal charity commercials (the achingly sad music doesn't help). It's a toss-up as to which one makes me cry the most, but the "but I know that I am a good dog" line in the Pedigree commercial never fails to choke me up, not to mention make me wish I had a million dollars so that I could provide for all of them.
- It seems like they keep on trying to make sadder and sadder commercials every-time they make one, especially the ASPCA. It hurts even more if you watch Animal Planet Heroes
- The LAMP! The little, broken-hearted lamp sitting on the curb in the IKEA commercial that everyone feels so sorry for until that Swedish asshole pops up and tells us we're being silly because it's only a lamp. Go to hell, Swedish asshole!
- It has no feelings. And the new one is much better.
- If you've seen The Brave Little Toaster it's even more heart-wrenching.
- The Quit Smoking ad, with the young boy losing his mother in the busy public place, dear lord the poor little boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAirUswrNFo
- The stupid ad for...well, this troper forgot the product, probably some sleeping pill, but you see a rooster crowing in the middle of the night, and the lady is annoyed, and makes it leave. THEN you see it wandering in the streets, looking pitiful, crowing mournfully at a few doors, did I mention it's raining? After a few scenes, it wanders off into the cold darkness, and the woman is smiling in her sleep, pulling those f*cking covers over her stupid, dumb head. You're supposed to think: "Good, now that woman can sleep!" you end up thinking: "Poor rooster! That bitch just KICKED 'IM OUT!! He has nowhere to go!!" *Cry*.
- The kids in the Jell-O Temptations pudding commercials, who are jump-scared, terrified, abandoned, and forced in child slavery by their parents for eating the pudding!
- The woman in this commercial for Jamster. I mean, her husband-to-be left her at the altar, for God's sake!
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