The Wanderer
This 13-episode series presented by Yorkshire Television, Germany's ZDF and Spain's Antena 3 (which explains the locations) followed the adventures of Adam, a multi-billionaire late 20th-century businessman who abruptly discovers that he is the reincarnation of "the Knight", a 10th-century champion who died a thousand years ago in a struggle with his dark twin, Zachary, who has also been reborn. Both are doomed to replay their ancient struggle with the fate of the new millennium at stake.
Adam, who adjusts astonishingly quickly to his new life of errantry, is assisted by his reborn mentor Godbold, formerly a monk and hermit, and now a plumber and wrestler, and his lady-love Clare. Her parents are less than happy about it, especially as she throws over a parent-approved fiance for Adam.
Zachary is assisted by Beatrice, a powerful shape-shifting sorceress who was the king's daughter back in the 10th century, and Adam's wife.
MacGuffins include a magic stone of power, a book and Zachary's grave. The series is known for it's subtle use of special effects to depict magic.
- As Long as There Is Evil - Zachary is defeated but the Knight's duty is not done. "It will never be over for you, Sir Knight."
- Big Bad - Zachary, fiendishly cheery and evil. Think the latest incarnation of the Master.
- Cain and Abel - Zachary and Adam.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome - Adam develops a bad case of this after taking up his destiny.
- Cool Old Guy - Godbold. Definitely. Also a bit of The Obi-Wan.
- Damsel in Distress - though she shows a regrettable tendency to be captured by the Big Bad feisty Lady Clare is far from useless. In the final episode she deliberately hands herself over to Zachary and Beatrice because Godbold tells her it will help. Counter-intuitive as it seems it does.
- Different As Night and Day - Adam and Zachary of course.
- The Dragon - Beatrice, sorceress, princess and Adam's wedded wife - though they never got as far as a wedding night.
- Evil Twin - Zachary, and loving it!
- Hermit Guru - What Godbold was first time around. These days he's a plumber.
- Jumped At the Call - Adam. Claire doesn't put up much resistance either.
- Knight in Shining Armor - Though Adam rarely wears any armor.
- Knight Errant - his new career path.
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman - Beautiful sorceress Beatrice assumes a massive masculine form in aid of a plot to kill Godbold. She later reverts to that form whining that she's sick of being a woman, 'It's too complicated'. Zachary comforts her - er him?
- Mineral MacGuffin - A magic stone that changes hands constantly. In fact, one whole episode centers on it.
- The Power of Love - Together Adam and Claire are unbeatable.
- Reincarnation Romance - Adam and Claire again.
- Theme Naming: Adam and Zachary -- "A" and "Z", symbolizing polar opposites.
- Walking the Earth - what all three of them, but especially Adam, seemed doomed to do. Not that he minds.