< The Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros./WMG

The Venture Brothers

Rusty Venture was cloned by Jonas as a child, just as he clones the boys.

Mr. Brisby told Rusty his father mentioned the fact that he master human cloning, and Rusty had a very adventurous and sometimes nearly fatal childhood. The beds which save the boys memories were built by Jonas and the computer which stores their memories is clearly old and in a state of almost disrepair, matching the Jonas built mainframes of M.U.T.H.E.R.

  • Seems to be Jossed right-off, considering that, at the age of forty-whatever-it-was, Rusty still has the twin he absorbed in the womb.
    • Because id doesn't happen doesn't mean Jonas didn't invent it for that purpose, Rusty just got lucky

Kim will return.

Possibly to arch Triana.

  • Unlikely, given that the creators have come right out and said that "we don't care about Kim!" And, according to Triana in the season 4 finale, Kim has become a born-again Christian.
    • Unless Kim decides to crusade against Triana and her family for occult and witchcraft.

The old guild are the literal ancestors of the current main cast

Think about it. The old guild as shown in the ORB episode has a Dr Venture, obviously Rusty's grandfather. It also has Sandow, who is similar to Brock. We have Crowley, who might just be the same person as Orpheus (master necromancer dodging death is not that much of a stretch), if not his grandfather. We have Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain, dressed all in white with albino hair, an openly gay sarcastic yet cheerful Oscar Wilde, French pulp villain Fantomas... The parallels are all over the place.

  • With the exception of Fantomas/Phantom Limb, it appears that the connections are spiritual/allegorical rather than literal. In any case, Orpheus is a much nicer person than the real Crowley seemed to be.
  • It was already confirmed that Phantom Limb is the descendant of Fantomas in "The Invisible Hand Of Fate."
    • Sandow could be Brock's grandfather, due to being quarter-Polish.
      • Except Sandow, the historical one, anyway, was Prussian.

The old guild is the predecessors of the Guild of Calamitous Intent

This is pretty much a no-brainer, considering the remarks made by Oscar Wilde, and the uniforms worn by the henchmen in the flashback. Maybe The Phantom joined forces with Nikola Tesla after Venture Sr Sr's death, to create the modern guild.

  • It was, in canon, a no-brainer.

The Monarch's real name is Malcolm Fictel.

The reason he's arching Venture is that he's incensed that his childhood hero got away with the statutory rape of his cousin; Rusty's insistence that she said she was twenty simply adds fuel to the fire because he thinks that he's trying to lie his way out of it.

  • The Monarch claims to have been arching Venture since college. If we accept that as true, then statutory rape thing can't have been the initial reason.
  • As stated above, Rusty Venture was being arched in College by the Monarch, the Monarch was next shown to Arch him when Myra was his body guard before the "moment of passion" seen in Myra's flashback. We next seen Rusty having Myra taken away and the boys appearing to be newborn - 1 year olds, after that we seen Rusty showing Brock the cloning facility, and finally an undisclosed amount of time later we seen Rusty in Nicki Fictals house. Each time We've seen the flashbacks Rusty has had a full head of hair in either a ponytail or flowing, except for the flashback where he introduced Brock to the clone slugs, he had shorter hair, and when he had his fight with Nicki and her mother, he had the same length hair but a really visible bald spot, placing the Fictal rape sometime after Brock became assigned to Operation Rusty's Blanket.
  • Considering that the Monarch comes from a moneyed family, it seems doubtful that he would be related to the (relatively lower-class) Fictels. As well, considering the Monarch's dickishness, would he really care about what happened to his cousin?

Is this the last we'll see of #24?

At first I thought that was HELPeR's burning head falling into 21's arm. But seeing it again...no it isn't... So is half of our favorite Hench Duo Dead for Real?

  • Potentially, but there's plenty of reason to believe that that wasn't actually HIS head. Another henchman was decapitated turning on the Death's Head Panoply earlier in the fight, and the fact that pieces of helper weren't flying through the air either makes it somewhat suspect. It's a intentionally ambiguous cliffhanger.
    • Far from intentional, the creators straight-up state in the season 3 commentary tracks that they thought they were leaving absolutely no doubt that 24 was dead (Indeed, they went so far as to randomly interject "24 dies at the end of this season!" somewhere in the commentary track of every episode of season 3.).. The only ambiguity comes from the fact that 24 shares a character model with every other generic henchman, since he was a generic henchman who got elevated by coincidence of being partnered up with 21.
  • This show's way too Genre Savvy to let # 24 die.
  • Actually I think its Genre Savviness that killed him. Plus Bad Karma from the way him and 21 treated Scot Hall. They were perfectly invincible when they didn't take note of their invincibility.
  • Even if he he is dead, perhaps we'll see # 21 attempt to get Orpheus to raise him from the dead.
  • Why doesn't #21 just get Dr. Venture to make a clone #24?
    • Dr. Venture doesn't have #24's memories recorded.
      • This was addressed though. 21 is fine raising clone 24 as a son.
        • Doc didn't accept Marvel Comics #1 as payment, so he refused.
  • Jackson Publick Jossed any chances of #24's survival. Jackson Publik joked that '#25 (24's replacement) is going to be the exact same guy with an easier to do voice.'
    • Citation. It's the first question on the video.
  • He'll show up again as part robot eventually. And complain about it. 21 will be jealous.
  • In one of the commentaries, the creators joke that all the original Monarch henchmen were duplicates of 24... maybe he has self-replicating powers or a good supply of clone-slugs. Hey, maybe that's why he's called 24, because that's how many of him there are!
    • It's the other way around. The henchmen aren't based on 24, 24 is just the generic henchman they happened to pluck from the crowd.

#1 is still alive.

They Never Found the Body, after all. He'd be the most obvious replacement for 24.

  • Alternatively, #24 will return, but will really be #1 in "disguise".
    • CONFIRMED!! #1 survived and returned as Zero, the primary antagonist of Every Which Way But Zeus. Since he was last seen being chased by a group of heroes and villains, it's not certain if he survived the episode.

Jonas Venture Sr is still alive

  • And universe-hopping like Reed Richards' father, Nathaniel (aka, the much lamer name 'Dark Rider')

Trianna's friend Kim is going to be the new #24.

Dr. Girlfriend gave her a business card in "Victor. Echo. November." under the impression that she worked for the Guild. As far as we know, she still wants to be a supervillain, but she hasn't actually called Dr. Girlfriend yet. However, with the high, ahem, "turnover" rate among the Monarch's henchmen, we might see their first henchwoman in season 4.

  • No, she's more of a protege for Dr. Ms. the Monarch. However since she is Triana's friend, she may go with arching the Order of the Triad.
    • She was pretty clear about who she wanted to arch.
  • Jossed in "Operation P.R.O.M., wherein it is revealed that Kim left villainy and is now a born-again Christian.
    • Not that this means anything definitive in the Venture-verse. Hammer & Publick have demonstrated that any throw-away lines and brush-off explanations can (and will) come back in spectacular fashion in some later episode. We'll just have to see...
      • Nun with a gun and a naughty nun outfit. This troper is calling it.
        • Nuns are Catholic and not usually associated with born-again Christians. My guess would be that she would end up dressing more like Maude Flanders.

Hank is going to be Killed Off for Real.

He still believes that he is the Highlander. He no longer is.

  • Dr. Venture can make more clones, it'll probably just take him a lot longer.
  • Eh. I dunno. I get the feeling that there is no acceleration involved in the creation of clones. Which is why Dr.Venture had so many of them. Meaning, the clones age at the same rate as the boys. Or they aged at the same rate and stop/restart whenever the current boys get killed so that that clones never turn into adults and the boys essentially never grow older.
  • It only took Dr. Venture a few hours to make a quick-and-dirty clone of a boy who died in his Day Camp for Boy Adventurers.
    • However, when all the clones were mowed down by the Death's Head Panoply, Dr. Venture said "Well, there goes my life's work." This, plus the "you only live once" remark, suggests that Doc and Jackson regret making the boys unkillable and want to do an Author's Saving Throw.
    • Furthermore, OSI knows about the cloning now, and Cloning is illegal in the Ventureverse. Dr. Venture can't make any new ones or else OSI will come down on him.
      • Plus, that's why the boys are 16 even though they have been around for 18 years. It's assumed Dr. Venture created the clones a couple years after the boys were born, so they were always going to be close to the same age, but never quite, because they age at the same rate.
  • And 21 wouldn't have told Hank that he was immortal unless he was going to test it later, due to the Law of Conservation of Detail. Give Hank the prize - he is the One!

When only one brother dies Dr. Venture has to kill the other one himself.

Sort of gruesome but it would be the only way to keep the surviving brother from having a traumatic fit. In the death montage Hank dies by himself twice and Dean once. When the Satellite falls on Hank, Dean was right there and had to have seen it. Total freakout. He'd freak even more if Hank just mysteriously Comes back So Dr.V would have to "dispose of" the surviving son to keep things uncomplicated.

    • But when one of them dies and the other one isn't there to see, they probably just do what they always do - deny that anyone ever died. The boys aren't terribly quick on the draw.
    • Dean -did- think the people Brock kills are hauled away in "sleeping bags".
    • Brock gave an awfully quick answer when Hank asked how he would kill him if he had to.
    • Couldn't they simply alter the surviving brother's memory?

The "original" Venture brothers are still alive.

There's little evidence for this one, but we don't know exactly how the first ones died. Presumably, Dr. Venture had to set up the cloning machine before the boys died the first time. If the originals are alive, they're probably either out in the world somewhere (and three years older than the "current" Ventures due to the combined time the clones have lost while dead) or they're trapped in the cloning machine, which might be similar to Dr. Venture's orphan-powered Joycan.

    • Are there even originals to start with? Nobody ever fesses up to being the boys' mother, and Dr. Venture himself tap-dances around the question if it's ever asked, Hank mentions early on that he never met his Mother. It's possible that Dr. Venture created both the boys as "test tube" babies (obviously, they still have a biological mother, exactly who is still unanswered).
      • Yes. In one of the recent video interviews, Doc Hammer confirmed that (the original) Hank and Dean were born normally.

No, really! Dr. Venture knocked up Sky during the Season 2 premiere.

He said that they were "going to have a child," but he wasn't clear about how far along he had gotten in this plan.

Brock Samson is Hank's father.

It's been suggested, sort of. It would explain why Brock is so attached to the Venture family and calls them "his family" and why Dr. Venture is grooming only Dean to follow in his footsteps as a super-scientist, buying him a speed suit and all. (It could be argued that Dean is the obvious successor because he's smarter, but really the Venture Brothers are just about equally stupid.) Really, whenever the family splits up, they usually split up into Dr. Venture and Dean/Brock and Hank. Hank looks more like Brock than Dr. Venture, and, if these kinds of things are inherited, Hank's also attracted to Molotov Cocktease.

  • It would fit in with the main themes of the show - failure, especially failure at fatherhood. As it is, Brock's main failure is his inability to score with Molotov, but that still doesn't explain why he's spent so many years squandering his potential on Operation Rusty's Blanket.
    • He himself has stated that he prefers the comparative normalcy to the weirdness and moral ambiguity of his former life as a super secret agent to Molotov when she gave him an offer to run away with her.
    • Pff. Sour grapes. If he didn't have a super-retard baby in a neckerchief tying him down, he'd still be trying to hit that.
    • UPDATE! "The Invisible Hand of Fate" shows that the boys were born before Brock was assigned to Operation Rusty's Blanket. This doesn't mean that Brock wasn't Hank's baby-daddy, but it makes things a little more complicated if he is.
      • And following the airing of that episode, Jackson Public outright denied this theory in his response to a fan question.
  • Random Aside: Brock does have (at least one) son, and it's not Dean.
  • Looks like this theory has been thoroughly Jossed.
  • If he ever does have an unknown kid, it's probably with a random fugly crackwhore (Out of a prank night of booze, where he killed the colleagues for committing such mistake), possibly is a girl, and possibly will have a mullet like her daddy, but nowhere near as manly as him; in reality, she'll be as girly, gentle and nice as somebody can be in this show (if not maybe having a not so nice side), and will fall in love for one of the boys, risking them in the process (after all, Brock will gain some grudging sympathy for the girl, and won't want her with such losers). Oh, and she won't be exactly pretty, since the crackwhore had paperweights in a frame for glasses - she inherited such bad vision - and will have buck teeth like her mom as well (and will use ridiculous brackets paid by her mom's crackwhoring and eventual handcraft earnings). Her failure? Being nice, sweet, and gentle, yet being so ugly that all the jokes at her expanse might push a Berserk Button or two, making her efforts to socialize with anyone impossible. Hilarity Ensues. (She could have been killed off after a couple of episodes, if she never makes success, too.) Oh, and her name would be Tandy, just for laughs.
    • The season 4 premiere shows that Hank has started to resemble Brock since he now has Brock's jacket and has grown his hair out.
      • This has been Jossed time and again, he gets his blond hair from Myra, he isn't Brock's son or clone.
      • Myra has nothing to do with it - what does have something to do with it is two separate indicators that Hank was born before Brock started working for Doc.
      • The above sounds more like bad fanfic than a proper WMG. No offense.

David Bowie has some history with Jonas Venture

How else could he have turned the conversation Venture had with Major Tom into the songs Space Oddity and Ashes to Ashes unless he'd been listening in? Perhaps they were enemies and recycling a tragic event of Venture's life into those songs was a way to mock him. Alternately, maybe they were friends and Jonas told Bowie what had happened so he'd write the songs to honor Major Tom.

Myra is/isn't/milkshake the Ventures' mother.

Her story fits into the established timeline, and she knows things that an ordinary ex-American Gladiator wouldn't know (the learning beds, the fact that the Ventures ought to be older than they think they are,) but it can't be that simple.

  • It's been confirmed in the season 3 first episode that Myra was indeed Venture's original bodyguard when Operation Rusty's Blanket first started. Previews of subsequent season 3 episodes strongly suggest her relationship with Dr. Venture will be further explored.
  • The last flashback episode shows her being carted off while Dr. Venture and H.E.L.P.E.R (Who holds an infant Hank and Dean) look on. That and Billy's remark that he never knew his idol was such a prick heavily suggests that Myra's indeed the boys' biological mother.
    • How exactly does Dr. Venture being an asshole to Billy and Pete prove anything about the identity of the mother of his sons? I thought it was pretty clear from the context that Billy called him a prick because he turned them away. And really, Myra is kind of batshit insane, so I'm not sure if calling the cops and having her admitted counts as being a prick, regardless of whose mother she may or may not be.
      • It was Myra being in the flashback that clinched it, not him being an arsehole to Billy and Pete.
      • ^ All that's been proven true so far is that Myra was once Doc's bodyguard, they had sex once, and she's batshit insane and thinks she's the boys' mother. It's not proven whether or not she is the mother, just that it's possible she is.

Dr. Girlfriend and Brock have hooked up in the past.

In "Hate Floats," Dr. Girlfriend knows everything about the security system on Brock's car, including a flamethrower hidden in the horn. When the boys ask her how she knows this, she says that she used to do some work with Truckules, who taught her how to hotwire anything. When Hank begins to ask how she knew about the flamethrower in particular, she cuts him off and changes the subject. This implies that Brock and Dr. Girlfriend have some kind of history. If they do, Brock vehemently denies it, as he brings her femininity into question at every turn and is one of the only ones bothered by her deep voice. In another episode, when Brock breaks into the Monarch's cocoon, Dr. Girlfriend asks Brock if he's going to have his way with her, and Brock says that he wasn't really planning to. This exchange still works if they have a history. Maybe Brock hooked up with Dr. Girlfriend before he heard her voice (it would certainly be his style) and now is trying to pretend like it never happened.

    • Unlikely, given that at the end of season 3, Dr. Girlfriend is trying to seduce Brock during the Monarch's invasion of the empty compound because he expressed no sexual interest in her the last time the issue came up in season 1.

Dr. Girlfriend's eggo is preggo.

Whatever Dr. Girlfriend told the Monarch at the end of season 2, it apparently wasn't enough to "change things" much, since they appear to be still together in the season 3 trailer. The most obvious theory is that she's now Dr. Baby-Mama. Either that or the big reveal is something totally silly and anticlimactic. Or Perhaps she's pregnant by Phantom Limb/Monstroso/David Bowie/#24/Dr. Venture/caterpillar Dr. Venture/a Murderous Moppet.

    • I bet it's Dr.Venture's child.

Dr.Venture: Who is Charlene? Only the finest woman in eighteen years to steal my heart. Only the sexiest pile of girl parts to climb mount Rusty.
Dr.Girlfriend: What? I have no idea what you're- oh my god.

Although in season 1 it was made to look like Dr.Girlfriend had not had sex with him. The writers could have changed their minds. If Dr.G hadn't slept with Rust then why would she react like that?

    • Season three ultimately revealed (in a read between the lines manner) that the big secret had to do with why she demanded Monarch give up arching the Venture family. The Council of the 13 found out that Monarch was not a real Guild member and that Phantom Limb, presumably in order to protect Dr Girlfriend from reprisals for associating with Monarch, was covering up their activities whenever Rusty complained to the Guild. They finally got wind to what Phantom Limb was doing and offered to spare Monarch if Sheila would get him to leave Rusty alone...

Brock is not Dermott Fictel's father.

(Of course, the events of the "The Buddy System" overwhelmingly imply that everyone's favorite Heroic Sociopath sired the bully. Wild Mass Guessers have no truck with overwhelming implications.)

  • Hank is the father! (This theory requires time travel.)
    • That's what I thought too.
  • Dermott is his own father! (If you're going to bring time travel into the mix, might as well go all the way.)
  • Dr. Venture is the father! Because "Dermott" is really a discarded clone of Hank.
    • Alternatively, "Dermott" is the original Hank. This, of course, implies that Myra has the original Dean somewhere.
    • CONFIRMED!!! Dr. Venture is the father and Dermott's sister is actually his mother.
  • Master Billy Quizboy is the father! He fathered the sound-alike kid during the time lost to Laser-Guided Amnesia.
    • Probably a coincidence. Doc Hammer does the voice for both of them, along with, like, a third of the guys (and one of the girls) on the show.
  • Johnny Quest Action Johnny is the father! They have the same hair color.
  • Sergeant Hatred is the father! Again, same hair color.
    • What? Sergeant Hatred is a redhead. And he'd never cheat on Princess Tinyfeet. Not with females, anyway.
  • Hunter Gathers is the father!/mother!/father!/he's joor mother!!! Dermott's mother did tell him that his dad was "in black ops." Maybe she's after the wrong one.
  • Holy Diver is the father! Before he learned to "pray the gay away", he tried to force himself to "become" heterosexual by sleeping around with women. It would pretty much be Dermott's worst nightmare come true, which knowing this show means it's highly likely. Formerly in black ops (along with certain other black things), and the mom would have good reason to lie about his identity...
    • And the next season's plotline will involve Dermott getting sent to HD's Bible camp and discovering the awful truth.

Holy Diver: Hey, guess what, kiddo, I'm your DADDY! Boom! Yummy!

The boys really can turn into Mecha-Shiva.

Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva!

The show takes place in the same continuity as The Tick.

I've seen this idea kicking around...

  • No way. The moon in The Venture Bros. doesn't even have a bite taken out of it!
    • Well, they repaired it! Plus, both shows have a minor villain named Pig-Leg (he has a pig for a leg). Solid proof that they are one and the same universe!
  • The Tick would have logically taken place after the Venture Bros. series, since Brock would have to become the Tick... and Hank is Arthur! Yeah!
    • Nah, the Tick is a chaste loon, Brock is quite intelligent, while Hark is a dummy while Aurthur is quite sensible once you get past his moth suit.

Sergeant Hatred is going to molest the hell out of the boys. Again.

In "I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills," it is revealed that the boys were once "touched inappropriately" by Sergeant Hatred and that "most of it was awful." Sergeant Hatred is now Dr. Venture's new arch-enemy, but he doesn't seem to recognize the boys and he's not allowed to get within 50 feet of an "beautiful minor" because of his history as a sex offender. The boys don't seem to react very much to seeing Sergeant Hatred again, which is pretty odd. It can't even be ascribed to cloning-induced memory loss, since Dean remembered him in the second season, after they were most recently cloned. Anyway, once Sergeant Hatred figures out that the boys are actually 19, and therefore no longer minors, all bets are off!

    • Jossed in that the writers decided to pretty much pretend that scene (and the sequence from the season two finale where Hank freaks out when he's forced to sit next to Hatred at the wedding) never happened. And while they did do an episode where Sgt Hatred ran out of his chemical castration pills, the episode revolved around Hatred willingly locking himself up in the panic room and Hank and Dean (with help from #21) luring him out via having Hank dress up as his ex-wife and knocking him unconscious/restraining him properly while they waited for the meds to arrive.
      • They DID have him rape Billy Quizboy, but thankfully they retconned the whole thing as him just cuddling with Billy instead.

Jonas Venture is still alive.

We've never learned exactly how he died. Maybe he just went into hiding, or into space on business related to his last big project. Anyway, it would be perfect if he came back and ended up liking Jonas Jr. more. That would be just about the only way to screw up Dr. Venture's life any more than it already is.

  • IGNORE ME!!!
  • Let's go one better: Jonas Venture is not only alive, he's the big bad of the series. After negotiating the founding of the Guild (in his own living room!), he faked his death so he could run it behind the scenes; he then took over O.S.I by seeding it with Guild operatives. His control of both organizations allowed him to direct the events of "The Invisible Hand of Fate," which won him Professor Fantomos's loyalty and eliminated Brock and Hunter as threats. Phantom Limb's attempted coup was really Jonas' plan to replace David Bowie with a more tractable Sovereign; now that Limb's gone on the run, Jonas has turned to different cat's paws, like Sgt. Hatred...and Dr Mrs. The Monarch. When the time is ripe, Jonas will have the Guild conquer the world - only to "come back from the dead" just in time to defeat them and become a benevolent dictator in their stead.
    • Jonas Venture would have performed his masterstroke by now, if it hadn't been for the interference of the ultimate diplomat, Dr. Henry Killinger. By reuniting the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend, he sowed the seeds of the Phantom Limb's failure. Without the backdrop of the wedding, the Phantom Limb would have made his move with much wiser timing, without all of the combustible elements present at the final showdown. Jonas had to switch to a fallback plan, involving his son finding the all-powerful ORB and foolishly activating it...
      • Only for Killinger to nip that plan in the bud by providing Rusty Venture with a much-needed dose of perspective. Killinger's actions led to Dr. Venture treating the ORB with unexpected responsibility. In fact, pretty much the entire series has been a power struggle between Jonas Venture and Dr. Killinger.
  • Season 3 especially has painted a very dark picture of Jonas Sr., as well as the entire original Team Venture. I wouldn't be surprised if the big showdown of Season 4 is the old school Team Venture (headed by a newly returned Jonas Sr.) vs. the new one (Doc/Brock/Hank/Dean, White/Quizboy, Orpheus, etc.) where Jonas Jr. will fall in this struggle is a matter of debate.
    • And here's one extra step; J.Senior will someway find the original Hank and Dean Venture and either ressurect them or craft all the clone brothers into Frankenstein Monster!Hank and Frankenstein Monster!Dean Venture!

Brock's ultimate goal is to kill Dr. Venture.

What Dermott said was foreshadowing - that "his dad" was in black ops, probably undercover to kill someone.

  • Jossed...kinda-sorta. In the episode ORB, Brock almost has to kill Rusty when it seems like he's on the verge of activating the eponymous object, but relents when Rusty states he wants to study it first to see if it's a threat. However his true mission is to kill Rusty should he try to activate it
    • Turns out the ORB was broken a century ago.
    • Totally thrown out the window now that we know that Rusty himself is Dermott's father.

Brock will be the Big Bad of Season 4.

It's a theory that this troper's had for a while, and the Season 3 finale cements it, sort of. Brock's work with the Ventures has been pretty much a dead-end job for him - he's MUCH more qualified for better work. I'd imagine that eventually he'd get pissed at the Ventures for this (and their general idiocy), snap, and start an effort to kill them. Not only would he be a formidable opponent himself, he even has the smarts, as exhibited by his record-time organization of a counterattack on the Guild in the S2 finale. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult for him to organize himself a headquarters, a bunch of mooks, and a plan. It helps that Brock quits working for the Ventures in Season 3, finally pissed about everyone and everything working against him.

  • Doesn't seem like the Brock we know and love since he keeps protecting and directing all of the threats away from them and to himself. It could be that he disillusioned and leaves the Venture family to guard them from himself but realizes afterwards that they are ones who are protecting him from degrading into a crazy mad man like so many in the super science business and returns as a permanent member of the Venture family, where he belongs.
    • But not before his "free agency" creates a domino effect among the various players and factions of the Ventureverse, with the Guild, O.S.I., the Black Hearts, The Monarch, The Phantom Limb, Jonas Venture Jr., Richard Impossible, all of whom fall all over themselves and each other to recruit him, kill him, or take advantage of his absence. Brock has no idea the madness he's just set into motion.
  • In the Season 4 that aired, Brock joined SPINHX, followed by Brock and the boys coming together again after SPINHX moved to the Venture compound. Denied.

They have extremely similar features - similar nose, red hair, goatees. One possible explanation is that Dr. Venture Senior is the Monarch's father, explaining his resentment for Rusty - he was the child that got all the love and attention, while the Monarch was the ignored or unknown result of some fling and he never got to take part in the Venture legacy. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Jonas Venture had illegitimate kids all over the place, and we have yet to hear a real reason for why the Monarch hates Dr. Venture so very much. It fits!

  • We know that the Monarch inherited a fat trust fund from one or both parents, and he claims that his parents died in a plane crash that left him to be raised by butterflies. I don't know if this fits or not...
  • Easy- he claims both his parents died, but his mother conceived him with Dr. Venture illegitimately, and the father that died was not biologically really his.
  • Remember, too, that, during ORB, the ancestral Dr. Venture was voiced with the Monarch's vocal inflections, only more highbrow and less crazy...
  • Note that the Monarch rarely ever shows his hair (he's only seen without his hood in flashbacks). This could well be to hide the resemblance to his nemesis.
    • Alternatively, they really are related, but it turns out the Monarch doesn't actually know this. The real reason for his vendetta turns out to be something stupid and petty.
      • Seeing as how the ORB storyline seems to be an Aborted Arc, that would be par for the series.
    • On the other hand, though, it could be that Jonas Sr. gave him up for adoption.
  • Maybe the Monarch and Rusty are cousins with an Uncanny Family Resemblance. It could be Jonas Sr.'s father is the one with a son or daughter he gave up for adoption. If we find out the Monarch's real name is Oliver...
    • Nope. It's Malcolm. Can't remember which ep, but they do say it somewhere.
      • It was in a flashback to their college days. The Monarch had blown up the science building in an attempt to kill Rusty, and was gloating from a distance when another student ran up to tell him that Rusty was being blamed, and the blast had taken off Baron Underbite's jaw. The other student called him Malcolm.

Dr. Quymn's "daughters" are really Half-Identical Twins

The one straddling Dean is biologically male, which explains the padded bra (it wasn't just padded, it was entirely fake!).

  • Is this troper the only one who noticed that Drew had cleavage and sideboob in that scene?
    • This troper could be convinced it was the work of a very good push-up bra. Meanwhile, "Drew" is an ambiguous name. And they did say they were not exactly alike. Dean noticed the freckle, but didn't he see?

Dr. Quymn is Dr. Venture's Half-Sister

Is this even a WMG? Their faces look exactly the friggin' same, and it's overwhelmingly implied via flashback that Dr. Venture Sr. and her mother were involved even before the key party scenes. It's a good thing Rusty's an idiot who can't catch a break, or that would have been seriously gross. And yeah, that makes the twins the boys' cousins. Honestly, if this is the worst thing that happens to Hank and Dean this season, they should consider themselves lucky.

  • Yes it is a WMG. Mine is there full sibilings, twins even
  • According to season 3 commentary, she was originally supposed to be teased as a possible mother for the boys, though it was abandoned. It seems unlikely they'd have been related, in that case.

The Monarch played Rusty in the Rusty Venture cartoon show and it's why he hates the Venture family!

  • Monarch was the child voice actor that did the voice of Rusty Venture on the Rusty Venture cartoon show. However, for appearances sake, Monarch never got credit for his work as Jonas Sr. (who was in charge of the show) opted to give Rusty credit for voicing himself. Monarch never forgave Jonas Sr. for this slight, and when Jonas died before he could get revenge, Monarch turned his hatred towards Rusty. Similarly, Monarch's trust fund did not come from his wealthy parents: it came from his work on the TV show, as Jonas (in order to keep Monarch from spilling the beans) paid Monarch a good amount of money, which was put into an account which has since grown large enough to finance all of Monarch's villainy and then some.

Kano did not kill Dr. Jonas Venture Sr.

Kano was pretty tight-lipped about it, but that doesn't mean he did it.

  • Yeah, he seemed pretty tight lipped even when Dr. Venture was still alive.
    • Who was the "Great Man" he claimed to have killed?
      • Jonas Venture Sr's father, the one Sandow guarded. He did this as a young man, realized his folly and pledged fealty to Jonas Sr. He never talks when he's on screen, even when Jonas Sr. is alive.
        • Alternate theory: Kano was supposed to kill Jonas Sr's father when he tried to activate the ORB but somehow botched the job. Years later he came back looking for the for it and killed Jonas in the process. Kano takes his revenge and his vow of silence since his failure is what killed Jonas.
      • Sandow. His true pennance is taking over Sandow's job.

Nikola Tesla took over the Guild and became the Guild Sovereign.

David Bowie played him in The Prestige, and in it he builds a duplication machine that can be used for humans. Perhaps this was basis of the Venture family's cloning technology.

Molotov had sent the assassins after Brock.

Think about it. The OSI had no intention of killing him, yet at the same time their 3 top assassins had been sent after him. Usually assassins aren't meant to bring their quarry alive. Plus, Molotov contacted the Cleaner to bail Brock and Dr. Venture and remove the evidence. Molotov has her own agenda and needs someone capable of handling a few of the rough spots. The 3 assassins were hired to test Brock, and he passed.

  • She did hire the assassins, but it was to kill the assassins. They wanted to off the competition, and sending them after Brock was a sure way to do so. Hell, they flat out say this at the end of the episode.
  • Hunter Gathers was also in on it, intentionally giving Brock misinformation as his Mr. Exposition. That insufferable bastard!
    • Insufferable bitch.
    • That's why he sent them those 2 Ex-OSI agents that were near water, to set things up for the 2nd guy.

#21 will attempt to follow in his boss' footsteps.

  • After a period of Minion BSOD following the death of #24, #21 will get serious about his supervillain career, donning Tolkien-inspired duds and becoming "The Viceroy". Stop me if you heard this one before: Ambitious henchman (Monarch/#21) will don a costume behind his boss' back (Phantom Limb/Monarch) to attempt to steal his girlfriend (Dr. Girlfriend/Dr. Girlfriend) and exact revenge on his arch-nemesis (Dr. Venture/The Murderous Moppets). Given the circumstances, expect The Viceroy to be much less successful than his predecessor.
    • The main point in bold is denied, but much of the paragraph HAPPENED, except with Gary staying loyal to The Monarch until he quits.

Dr. Venture and Brock are the result of a Stable Time Loop.

Dr. Venture did have a child with Sky (see above) and that child was Jonas Sr., who went back in time to become an adventurer and father Rusty. According to the O.S.I. file in "Past Tense", Brock is the child of a single mother and has one brother; no father is identified. Like the Brothers themselves, Venture Sr. fathered "a smart one and an athletic one". Brock and Dr. Venture are half-brothers.

  • This is an awesome theory, but where does Dr. Venture's great-grandfather (from "ORB") fit in to this WMG?
    • Just bump it back a generation or two. (Or two hundred, and Venture The First built the original ORB! Or not.)

The Monarch's obsession with Dr. Venture is sexually motivated.

Tons of Foe Yay put aside, in "Tears Of A Sea Cow" not only does he screw a robot with Dr. Venture's face, he also dodges the question of why he's so fixated on Dr. Venture very suspiciously. In "Past Tense", which details the time period in which the two became enemies, Venture even calls him a "closet case." And there's evidence for him being bisexual elsewhere in the show (i.e. making out with Stiv Bators, having threesomes with other men), making it all the more plausible. To top it all off, the show has made direct comparisons between arching and romantic relationships. You don't have to be a superscientist to figure this one out.

  • As far as G.U.A.R.D.O goes, The Monarch says that he's "giving it chlamydia", so it's not necessarily sexual; he's just THAT dedicated to hating Dr. Venture. Having said that...
  • "Nice ass, Samson."

The Master is actually The Master.

He's planning on making Dr. Orpheus the next Torgo.

Brock Samson is the son of Doc Samson.

He inherited his father's gamma-ray mutation and the super-strength and Nigh Invulnerability that comes with it, and like his father, his "hulked out" form is more an idealized human body than a big green monster, and he has full control of it. Also like his father, he prefers to remain in this form at all times... except Brock showed no interest in science as a child, much to the disappointment of his father, and instead used his superhuman abilities to excel at sports. His father disapproved, both because this was seen as unfair to the normal players and because he feared that Brock did not realize the extent of his strength. He was tragically proven right when Brock accidentally killed a fellow player during practice, and this drove the two even further apart, leading to Brock's joining the military and later, OSI.

  • After all, wasn't his name a play on Doc's?

Herr Trigger to return as a cyborg.

A bit of psycho gun-fetishisting assassin, a bit of motorbike, loads of gun implants, and maybe the occasional HEL Pe R part for good measure. Let's face it, he was already pretty unkillable as a human. Can you imagine him returning as some sort of Terminator-like creation? It would certainly be awesome.

  • Not likely. Molotov and Hunter Gathers would make certain he's dead for good.

The Guild killed all superheroes

The show has no superpowered Protagonists (apart from Richard Impossible; I'm not counting his family, since their powers are utterly useless), whereas it has several superpowered Guild members, such as Torrid. Perhaps the Guild carried out the destruction of all superheroes, so as to protect its members.

  • Jossed. a superhero wrecks up the Monarchs place in season four.
    • Plus: the Guild is pretty much an outlet for bored, rich supervillains to play stupid games to bypass the time. Superheroes make great opponents for a supervillain to match capabilities with.
    • Aren't the Order of the Triad superpowered protagonists?

Myra will join the Blackhearts

Female, batshit crazy, still in pretty good shape, knows all the inner workings of OSI - she seems to fit the profile.

Triana and Dean will hookup

Jossed. The Master shows Triana that Dean's love for her will make him even more pathetic than he already is and that them being together will not look good, so Triana chooses to let him down easily.

  • He could be lying for an unknown reason though.
    • Perhaps they'll hook up later after Dean has had some time away from her to mature. The Master said that they way things were going at the present state would lead to the future he showed her.
    • It that would be fitting with his style.
  • Now we can add " Triana will break up with her boyfriend" to the WMG.

Dr. Venture is a clone Himself.

In the same danger prone world that repeatedly killed Hank and Dean, Rusty must have died at some point. Brisby said that Jonas Venture had researched cloning. He did so to replace the dead Rusty. It would explain His indifference towards Rusty as He wasn't His real son. Ditto for Rusty's attitude towards His own children.

    • Maybe the Monarch is an earlier clone or a failed one, given how similar they look I could see the idea that maybe the Monarch was Either an assumed dead clone or something similar.
    • Or maybe Jonas sold a clone of Rusty to some rich childless couple who liked the idea of having a copy of a famous boy adventurer as a son.
    • Linking to the problem below, maybe the last Rusty Clone had an early defect which caused the formation of Jonas Jr.

The cloning process is flawed which is why Hank and Dean tend towards such levels of stupid/oddity.

Jonas created the original cloning device and memory upload process. The show has already implied that Rusty isn't exactly all that good with maintaining his dads old creations, let alone repairing them when they break down. Combine that with a punch-card system for storing and cataloging memories along with gaps of time lost in memory but not in physical growth, as well as any odd body memories (didn't I have a scar here? and similar things) and their actions become more understandable. The issue isn't lack of information or common sense so much as it is that frequently their minds aren't really processing and understanding it the way they should.

  • That would be cool and could be a total shout out to Amazing Nurse Nanako and this show needs more Anime references.
    • No, it doesn't. Stop being a weeaboo.
    • Um, that particular problem of cloning is far, far older in science fiction than any recent Anime series, so if it's a shout out it goes back way further. They were doing stories about it in The Sixties at least.
  • Word of God says the reason Hank and Dean are starting to visibly age in Season 4 is because they're not being cloned anymore, so there's evidence for this.

The Monarch will take control of the Guild

When the kid gloves come off the Monarch proves lethally effective. He's gone toe to toe with both the OSI and Guild soldiers, putting up a damn good fight against both. Each season he just keeps getting more effective and dangerous. It makes sense that he'll eventually take the top job. After all he is The Monarch.

  • That would mean He would have to defeat the Sovereign/David Bowie. I don't think even the Monarch could pull that off.

OSI is in fact an evil organization.

Let's look at it a bit differently, they allow the Guild of Calamitous Intent to exist because it provides a justification to their existence/funding to any kind of middling probe. They also use the guild as a way to tie up existing protagonists/heroes by giving them a chance to be seen as heroes by the general populace as well as creating a system that funnels the superpowered/super scientist crowd into flashy shows that keep them (protagonists/antagonists) and the public occupied. Gathers managed to realize this through his obsessive digging, in an effort to figure out how far the rot had spread he left OSI and tried to reorganize what was left of the last major power SPHINX and try to monkey-wrench the existing system, possibly setting in action what made Brock a free agent again.

  • Partially Confirmed. SPHINX originally was an evil organization (according to OSI defectors but as a COBRA stand-in they probably were) but was destroyed by the OSI. However, the OSI is very invested in the whole costumed villainy idea, so much so that a number of former OSI agents left the OSI and repurposed the captured SPHINX resources to their own ends and refounded SPHINX as a good guy organization.

Dean and Hank are going to turn into a Cain and Abel thing.

Hank's resentment at being second best to Dean in their father's eyes is going to push him to become a supervillain and begin arching Dean, fulfilling the idea Killinger tried to start with Rusty and JJ.

Kano didn't murder Dr. Venture but sabotaged the cloning rig

Jonas Sr. started fiddling with the Orb, whatever he did killed or severely injured him. He has the cloning tanks set up to transfer him into a new body. Kano killing him directly wouldn't do anything, since a new clone could come in. Instead he sabotages the cloning apparatus. The problem was that he did too good a job of it, he had only intended to degrade it to a point where Jonas wouldn't be able to continue but either ended up having him emerge brain dead or something similar. Kano either leaves Jonas to die or puts him out of his misery and in intense guilt becomes silent. The sabotage to the cloning device might also explain why Rusty refuses to use it on himself and why Hank and Dead are as messed up as they are.

The Guild of Calamitous Intent was once known as the Evil League of Evil.

Until David Bowie (then acting as Dead Bowie) staged a hostile takeover, killed Bad Horse, and became the Sovereign.

  • Alternately, David Bowie was the leader of the guild all along; Bad Horse was merely a puppet.

Batman really exists in the Venture Verse.

There's actually quite a bit of evidence for this. Hank has a true bad ass in the form of Brock to idolize, but he seems to like Batman more. Its not likely he would prefer a fictional character to Brock. In the third season Dr. Venture picks up a ringing phone in the deserted sewers and seriously tries to call Batman. Marvel comics is repeatedly mentioned, but DC never is. The creators want to have him in the series but can't due to legal reasons so they have Captain Sunshine.

  • Batman comics are confirmed to exist in the Season 3 finale. There is a conversation about Batman comics having the coolest villains, one of the characters being a big fan of Silver Age Comic Books.

All the crap Jonas Sr. and the old Team Venture did will become public.

It would fit into the show's theme where not only did the old team fail to be the kind of heroes the public thought them to be, but that they couldn't hide from the media, leaving them disgraced. Plus it would give Rusty some justice for all the crap he went through as a kid.

Kano did kill Dr. Venture.

Namely, Jonas Venture's father. Which is why he's so tight-lipped even in the Rusty Venture Show.

#21 will join SPHINX

In "Ghosts" the guy actually knocked Brock fuckin' Samson on his ass, making him one of the few to do it without the aid of a weapon or truck (giving him the honorary title of "Complete Badass"). Do you REALLY think SPHINX would pass up the chance to get probably the only man to ever land a blow on Brock and live long enough for his brain to register that?

  • As of the season 4 finale, this seems to be confirmed.

Triana becomes the go-to magician for a future incarnation of Team Venture headed by Dean.

A Distant Finale to the series will show Dr. Dean Venture, his bodyguard Hank, and resident sorceress Triana Orpheus. No bets on whether or not they romantically hook up.

  • Arched by Dr. Kim, an aging #21 and Schwa Tinyfeet Junior.

By the end of the series, OSI and The Guild will become defunct.

Both organizations have been weakened over the course of the series. The Guild has already experienced two attempted coups (a la Phantom Limb) and their greatest weapon, the ORB, no longer works. OSI, meanwhile, has become corrupt, causing some of their most competent agents to defect and form SPHINX. The Venture family, which is symbolically important to both groups, is dying out (since J.J. has no children and the cloning process has damaged Hank and Dean’s DNA to the point where they can no longer produce any viable heirs). Quite possibly, many of the big names of the series (Henry Killinger, The Sovereign/ David Bowie, Hunter Gathers, The Master, etc.) have been actively working to achieve this end and all the events of the series are actually part of a Xanatos Roulette.

The Monarch is a clone of Dr. Venture

So far we have zero info concerning The Monarch's birth parents, also The Monarch and Dr. Venture does share some similarities in terms of personality. Who is to say that Jonas didn't create a clone of his son just incase Rusty doesn't make it. Jonas Venture probably abandoned The Monarch for some reason and The Monarch was raised by the Monarch Butterflies instead. The resentment The Monarch has over Rusty could be due to abandonment issues he suffered from Jonas.

  • We know a bit about The Monarch's parents: They were rich and they died in a plane crash. Monarch actually survived that crash. The Monarch got a large inheritance from them.
    • That's what the Monarch thinks he knows about them.

Hank and Dean's birth mom will appear in the series finale

If the Venture Brothers ever get a final Season I'm sure the introduction of Hank and Dean's birth mother is being saved so the Venture Family could have that one big family reunion.

Billy will leave Pete White.

Every other character in the show has managed to have some form of development: Brock's joined SPHINX, #21's buffed up, Sgt. Hatred is (at least trying) to battle his pedophilic urges, Dr. Venture has grown much friendlier to Dean, Triana's moved on to her mother's to train...even the boys are growing, albeit Hank more quickly than Dean. The only reason Billy is stuck in a dead end is because of Pete leeching off of him. Hunter Gathers even said as much. I'd be surprised if Billy ended up never cutting the dead weight that is Pete White off.

  • Not really possible since Pete is Billy's ward for the memory wipes. Unless there is an OSI reason for it they aren't going to separate, especially if they need Pete's infrequently demonstrated computer skills.
    • Or Billy's even-less-frequently needed paper encyclopedia skills.

This was originally supposed to be a show based in The World of Darkness.

"Go Team Ventrue!"

But then there was a typo.

  • Or, Triana was meant to be the original star, and there was a typo. "Goth Team Venture!"

Brock is a cyborg.

When Gathers said he was "a quarter Winnebago", he wasn't talking about the Indian tribe. It explains why he's so into his car...

Brock is a Replicant.

Given his ultimate obedience, albeit reluctant, to Dr. Venture. This would be an appropriate caretaker for 2 clones, (Three, if Rusty is one as well.) If he found the secret of the Orb himself, he could be terminated. There was already lots of talk of how he is just a pawn from Hunter. This also explains how he has progressed from a grunting killing machine to a more sane human being, eventually becoming independent by quitting. He is gaining his own personality independent of his directives.

    • While Hunter gives the orders, Molotov could be his caretaker, or "Gaff" if you will, manipulating him sexually to keep him on the right track, but not actually going through because he isn't a real person, or it wouldn't be professional. This furthers the theme of failure if Molotov has had sex with plenty of other people, just not Brock.

Dr. Henry Killinger is not evil

At times ruthless, but not evil. Everything he's done so far has actually done his subjects good (getting the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend back together, showing Dr. Venture the dark path he was on), his plan is to redeem the entire superhero/supervillain system from the inside out

Brock, Sergent Hatred, and 21 team up to form The Order of the Tri-Badasses.

Brock leaves Sphinx, Sergent Hatred gets Captain Sunshine to take over Operation Rusty's Blanket, and 21 has a Face Heel Turn thanks to 24's ghost. The three of them join forces to fight the entire Guild of Calamitous Intent and use the team name "The Order of the Tri-Badasses" which is suggested by Dr Orpheus. They fight their way up through all of the guild members and the final battle will be against The Monarch, David Bowie, and Princess Tinyfeet.

Twins are a Venture family trait.

Let's ignore any interfering factors about genetics for a moment. Hank and Dean are twins, and Rusty and Jonas Jr. technically were as well. If this were true, it could tie into the theory that Jonas Sr. isn't actually dead: it's his (semi?)-identical twin that died. And, okay, pushing it, but if Dr. Quymm really was Rusty's half-sister as an above WMG hypothesizes, Nancy and Drew would be examples of the twin trait, too. And, as mentioned, they'd also be... Hank and Dean's... half-cousins?

Hank and Dean will revert to their season 3 personalities.

Being mind-wiped every other week is already making their minds buggy. Their minds will degrade from there until they stop functioning, which is going to require an even bigger mind wipe to erase the effects of the previous mind wipes. It will have to go all the way back to before Sphinx moved in next to the Venture Compound, which will coincidentally be sometime in season 3.

Someone is cloning henchmen.

They have to be coming from somewhere. At the rate the Monarch goes through them the Guild would have run out of henchmen recruits by now. For some reason the high death rate isn't turning people away from henching, so either they get resurrected by a Guild Necromancer, or the Guild is being supplied with clones from someone. #21 doesn't know about this because it was in the same memo as the night-vision goggles and functioning wings. This explains #1's sudden return as "Zero" despite being dead and allows #24 to come back someday.

21 will arch the Monarch

Dr. Girlfriend will be inadvertently killed by the Monarch's poor planning and stupidity, leaving 21 to mourn the only way he knows how: by arching the person responsible. 21 clearly feels that the Monarch doesn't appreciate her enough, and that he would do things differently. It's been acknowledged by both 21 and Dr. Girlfriend that the Monarch is incapable of thinking about anyone but himself, to the point where he once simply ran away during arching and forgot about her standing there, leaving her stranded for hours. If The Monarch's bad decisions lead to her being killed, 21 will never forgive his former idol.

24's "unfinished business" was to convince Gary to quit working for the Monarch.

24 doesn't want to see Gary die like he did in service to the Monarch. Once Gary finally decided to quit 24 vanished, having served his purpose.

24 realy was a ghost.

Possibly related to the above. Consider that unless 21 has suddenly developed some sort of Extra-Sensory Perception, there was no way for him to know that Monstroso's henchmen were about to attack him and the Monarch in Pinstripes and Poltergeists. And if 24 was just an hallucination, then there was absolutely no point to the scene in Operation P.R.O.M. when 24 talks to the other recently deceased henchman after 21 had already left. As for Orpheus and Mr. Wendal, Orpheus was drunk, so his powers might have been off, and maybe Mr. Wendal was just some dead guy lying about who he was (24 doesn't seem to have gained any significant form of omnisentience since he died). 24's disappearance could be attributed to the above, 21's lack of belief after talking to Orpheus, burying 24's skull, or some combination thereof.

Gary will become the new leader of Sphinx.

With Hunter Gathers placed in control of OSI the current Sphinx has no reason to exist. Everyone working for the current Sphinx will go back to the OSI leaving behind all the Egyptian themed tech. With Gary quitting the Monarch and by proxy the Guild, he will have to start his own organization. Using the recently abandoned Sphinx equipment Gary will remake Sphinx into an evil organization staffed with every minor character from the Guild of Calamitous Intent, and will fight both the Guild and OSI.

    • Except by all accounts (including his own and the wife of his employer) Gary isn't evil. Personally I like the idea that he'll use Sphinx technology to help Team Venture out of the hole Rusty's gotten it into, but this being a show about failure I wouldn't really bet on it working.

Mike Soriyama's robotic duplicate is Ghost Robot.

When Hank discovers Mike Soriyama's body, he says something along the lines of "He's a ghost robot!" Ghost Robot is a robot who died and gained a soul, and the Soriyama bot died.

Monstroso survived the fall that killed Molotov.

He is a big guy. And don't think for a minute that Mol couldn't have survived.

    • This is Doc and Jackson we're talking about, after all. We've already seen they're not hesitant to bring back characters who by all accounts should have been dead. All we saw was Brock's reaction to an explosion.

Dean will start standing up for himself more

Dean: You know what I think? Fuck you!

And that was to the Outrider, Someone who would normally have Dean scared shitless even when he was being nice. After Operation PROM Dean has finally reached his breaking point and it wasn't over a supervillain attack or any of the other weirdness in his life. Normally "If you love someone let them go" is fairly sound advice, but this episode seems to regard it as patently stupid.

  • I've had this though myself. When you think about it, season 4 was largely about Hank, and his journey off the beaten path to being an emulation of Brock. Odds are, Dean will go through a similar situation in season 5, but likely with more tragic consequences and possibly ending in a Pet the Dog moment when we learn that Dean may be having such issues letting go of Triana and his trouble with girls in general stemming from a Missing Mom complex.
    • It's possible he may call up one (or both) of the Quymn twins in an effort to make Triana jealous and honestly end up liking them. They have more in common with him and the only thing that really turned him off was their aggression. They like solving mysteries, he wants to be a Intrepid Reporter, it's pretty much a win-win. This being a show about failure however makes this unlikely to happen.
  • This troper (who has had a bit of a toon-crush on Dean since season one) is convinced that Dean won't just start standing up for himself, but that those final moments of season 4 are the genesis of an epic Face Heel Turn. Hank, over time, has evolved from kind of a jerkass punk into a young man determined to be a badass hero like his mentor Brock. Dean, however - the pansy, bookish daddy's favorite - has been forcibly shoved into super-science and is obviously miserable. Triana symbolized Dean's hopes and dreams (remember, he meets her after asking the Ouija board if he'll find true love) of a normal life with a (relatively) normal girl to love. Losing her is the advent of his turn to super-villainy. His "fuck you" to the Outrider is an epiphany moment - the very antithesis of the boy in season one who was shocked when his brother says "the double d-word."

Molotov and Monstroso aren't dead

I'm certain that I wasn't the only one who felt the finale of season 4 concerning Mol just seemed too well planned. Besides, it would kind be an ass pull to have all that build up between Brock and her just get pushed aside like some random "you missed your chance, sorry." moment. The way I see it; Molotov and Monstroso planned everything in advance (or at least Mol did), and the whole thing of them now being an item, and the escorts being with Mol was just a massive ruse to rattle Brock (which seems to be the foundation of their relationship). Look at these facts:

  • The one woman who Molotov threatens after knocking out Brock seems genuinely afraid of her, even surprised by her appearance.
    • One points out that she'd be just as (if not more) afraid if she WERE one of Mol's blackhearts caught moving in on Brock. Jus' sayin'.
  • Molotov seemed more coy about her relationship with Monstrosso than someone who had decided to move on from her crush on Brock.
  • This is the freaking Venture Brothers, nothing is ever as it seems!

Race Bannon didn't die, and is moonlighting as Mr. Cardholder

There's a little evidence towards this. Not only do they look nearly identical, but both are revealed to be high-ranking OSI agents. It's possible Race faked his own death to take up the identity of Mr. Cardholder, then, along with Mr. Doe, used his new position to enact his plan to replace General Treister by making him look insane.

Dean will want to be an apprentice necromancer, while Hank decides to join the OSI when he grows up

It's the perfect solution for the boys - Dean gets to be closer to Triana while learning to battle evil, Hank will get to fight supervillains, and both will be action heroes like they've always wanted. Meanwhile, Dr. Venture is left with nothing, which is pretty much par for the course for him.

  • Let's take this one in in separate parts:
    • Dean: Jossed. He aspires to follow his father's path like Rusty did before him.
      • Dean doesn't aspire to follow his dad's footsteps, he's being forced to follow them. He still just wants to be a journalist.
    • Hank: CONFIRMED, more of less. Hank tries to join SPINHX.

#21 will start working for the Ventures and/or Brock

Being a mook used to seem like the coolest job in the world. Less so now that his friend #24 has been killed. The Monarch set the bomb that blew up him and H.E.L.P.eR, but it's entirely plausible that the Murderous Moppets detonated it. Now investigating and/or seeking within the Fluttering Horde is tricky, because the Moppets are still in good with Dr. Mrs., and because the Monarch is basically whipped. Meaning that #21 would have to go to someone else with resources.

  • This is actually confirmed in the early season 4 commercials. 21 replaces Brock with his LARPER crew.
    • Not it isn't, 21 still works for the Monarch. Sgt. Hatred is the new bodyguard as confirmed by the first episode of season four.
  • CONFIRMED!!! Gary worked for SPINHX in "Operation P.R.O.M." and has left the Monarch.

Hunter Gathers is manipulating Brock as part of a Batman Gambit.

Let's look at the history of Brock and Gathers for a moment. From the beginning Gathers seemed to be the one training Brock. During his time in OSI he was the only one helping Gathers dealing with the Guild of Calamitous intent, the others in OSI apparently believing the Guild was dead and that Sphinx was the threat. From then on out we get him giving Brock data but in each case it seems to be designed to twist or push him in certain directions. When Gathers got his sex change it has this whole event that makes Brock feel rather unnerved about most things around him. He gives Brock information about ORB and gives the implication that OSI wants to kill him, using Brock to wipe out other assassins as well as getting him away from the Ventures. Now, we see that apparently he is part of or leading Sphinx with Brock as part of his team following Brock showing what look like signs of shell shock or just being overwhelmed with all that happened.

  • Is it fair to call it a WMG when it's really just a summation of events shown onscreen?

Brock is Dermott's father... and X is His mother!!

Why hide the identity of the mother when She picks Him up from the daycamp, because it is someone we've seen before. I vote for Leslie Cohen (the girl that Mike Soriyama liked in college who Brock totally tapped).

  • Myra is his mother! Their affair is what drove her over the edge.

Nikki will become pregnant by Hank

Nikki is pregnant as a result of her brief tryst with Hank. This will be another tangled knot in the Venture family, and Hank will have no recollection of the part he played with Nikki.

Brock is Dermott

Ok...this one is kinda complicated, but the fact of Brock and Dermott's resemblance is that they're really one and the same. I think that Dermott is the "Original" and his boasting is just that, pointless boasting. Somehow he ends up going back in time to whatever the relevant time would be because of his own douchebaggery and realizes that he needs to actually back up his bragging. Thus the OSI training, real adventure, and realistically a mellowing. Brock isn't embarrassed of Dermott because he might be his son, He's embarrassed because he remembers being that douche in a previous life.

  • Ignores the fact that Brock was a star athlete in college, while Dermott is quite physically untalented.

The rookie Sphinx agent that Brock was working with is #24.

I have no basis for this. I know he is definitely dead, but maybe Dr Venture ended up making a clone, or whatever. I was suspicious when his voice was muffled and unlike other Sphinx red shirts his face was totally covered. If it wasn't for the fact that he was incompetent, I would guess it was #1.

  • We knew #1 was definitely dead too, having been given the honorable "Death By Sampson" and then came back as Zero. This gives the "rookie Sphinx agent is #24" theory some plausibility.
    • Jossed! Turns out it was Molotov Cocktease

The Monarch's birth name is Malcolm Fictel.

The Monarch is arching Doctor Venture because he doesn't believe his former hero's protestations that his cousin Nikki said she was twenty; every attempt Venture makes to explain himself or make things right simply make Monarch angrier.

Molotov is Killed Off for Real

No, I don't believe that for a second, but it did say Wild Mass Guessing...

  • Maybe she will stay dead solely because everyone is expecting her to come back.

The girls at the prom really were just hired ladies of the evening, and not Molotov's assassins.

Everything I've read has them being too drugged up from Rusty's mutant Spanish Fly to do their job, but I just assumed that Molotov was lying to get Brock off her case.

    • Jossed by the DVD Extras. There's a Deleted Scene where one of the Heartbreakers taunts Brock over his communicator.

Princess Tinyfeet won't be taking Hatred back.

Look at her expressions all throughout the prom, she doesn't look like she's just happily reconciled with her ex-husband, she looks terrified. Something tells me that even though she was cool as being used as a hostage, with the fun of getting stuffed in a trunk and all, she did not expect The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch to try their hands at marriage counseling once they got there. And being bound and gagged the whole time it was impossible for her to clear up the misunderstanding.

    • I'd take it one further. Princess Tinyfeet isn't into bondage at all. (At least not as the sub. Earlier incidents with an unknown man and a leather mask suggest possible dominatrix tendencies.) Hatred mentions that she never discussed this tendency with him before. It seems likely that the Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch fed Hatred the bondage story knowing it would placate and distract him.

There will be a Whole-Episode Flashback about Dr. Venture's first couple of clonings the boys

Most likely there will be alot of Tear Jerker moments or slight Cerebus elements

The Monarch played Rusty Venture in the Rusty Venture show

Well, it's pretty clear that Rusty in the show, and the real Rusty are not the same kid. The real Rusty has straight teeth, and the kid in the show and kid Monarch have crooked teeth, they also have similure hair. He could have easily got the part after he went back to the city to claim his inheritance, and Phantom Limb sais Monarch has a trust fund, well the money his parents left him could only strech so far, he could have used some of it to pay for Collage, but having money from the very succesful Rusty Venture show too makes sense. Especially since most child actors don't get that money until they turn 18.

Dean will become a Villain and join the Monarch or another Guild Member, maybe Phantom Limb

Considering that now his hopes and dreams for having Trianna have been crushed (and his own stupidity led her to dropping him as a friend). Instead of trying to fight the villains now, he will start to apprentice himself, becoming The Mole at the Venture Compound. Eventually, the series'll end on a Cain and Abel battle between Dean and Hank.

    • And as he starts his descent into villainy, Dr. Killinger's subliminal teachings will start coming out and make him into an egocentric jerk who take what the wants, when he wants.

In the next season the boys will really go off to start their own lives, each with their own body guard.

Brock will rejoin and either stay with Doc or go with Hank, Hatred will stay with whoever Brock doesn't go with, and Gary will join up to protect Dean. Of course they'll still end up with two of the groups or all of them getting together pretty often.

Jonas Jr. is secretly evil

Everything thus far has just been part of his cover. Season 4 will reveal that his space station is equipped with a giant laser and his declaration of Spider-Skull Island as a sovereign nation is so he can exploit Diplomatic Impunity.

Mrs. The Monarch killed 24

She accidentally sat on the switch that activated the bomb inside H.E.L.P.eR, making the entire situation a Brick Joke throwback to when she accidentally deployed the Monarch's wings her ass in the season 3 premiere. This will likely leave 21/Gary facing a difficult situation, does he take revenge on the woman he loves? Or does he finally let go of his obsession with avenging 24?

Season 5 will have a Break The Haughty moment for JJ

Someway, he's going to know the full extent of Doctor Venture's abuse to Rusty. He may even destroy his mueseum out of spite.

Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is a Mike Soriyama robot.

We know Mike could create realistic humans because he made one of himself, capable of holding conversations and having emotional outbursts. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch's big un-reveal in the escape pod wasn't that she was pregnant or any such nonsense- she finally confessed that she was a robot. The only evidence backing this up is that at King Gorilla's out-of-jail party, she quips that they're "not getting any younger." The Monarch, for no clear reason, says "one of us isn't getting much older either." Instead of referring to King Gorilla's state of near-death, the Monarch was refuting his wife's statement by pointing out that she has all the time in the world.

    • Judging by her appearance in "The Invisible Hand Of Fate" she has clearly aged a bit.

Dr. Killinger is Satan.

  • Perpetuating evil indirectly? Check. Signs contracts in blood? Check. Can give you anything you want? Check. More powerful than the series' most Badass sorcerer, who can't even read the guy's mind? Seriously, how am I the first person to consider this?
    • Related to that, the vampiric investors from "The Silent Partners" work for him.

Triana will break up with her boyfriend

  • And hook up with Dean

== We may see more of Alternate Universe Rusty ==]]

  • Perhaps the Hank and Dean of the other universe are evil (complete with goatees) and the denouement of the series will be a battle for supremacy between the two factions.

Professor Impossible is correct, Rocket isn't really his son

His wife Sally had an affair with a Namor analogue due to her husband's lack of interest in her.

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