< The Twelve Kingdoms

The Twelve Kingdoms/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome:
    • Youko facing down the manifestation of her doubts and fears... and cutting his head off.
    • Youko facing down an entire army and telling them to kneel... and they do.
    • We needn't forget the battle of wills between Taiki, a timid ten-year-old boy, and Gouran, a massively powerful changeling demon. Taiki wins and makes Gouran his servant.
    • Shoryuu: "I am the King of En!".
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming:
    • Youko's reunion with Rakushun.
    • When Keiki is rescued by Youko and sees the recently HeelFaceTurned Yuka is with her, and Youko refers to her as "her friend". Made even cuter by Yuka's embarrassed reaction.
    • Sanshi bringing Taiki back to Mount Hou through a portal looks very much like a mother rescuing her drowning child.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Youko's reaction to poor Rangyaku's horrible death.
    • Suzu's backstory.
    • Taiki's entire life...
    • Shoukei throwing stones at the Wa executioners, just like the son of the old peasant woman. Quite the turning point in her Character Development.
    • Asano's death in Shoukei's arms, and when Youko, Shoukei and Suzu mourn together for him.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: Face it, fandom. If Youko had not been "a coward", "a pushover", and a "zero whiner and unsympathetic lead", she would have not grown into the physically/mentally strong yet still kind and sensitive Action Girl we love. It's pretty repulsive to see people whine and complain about how Youko starts out as a total moron, refusing to see that she was raised in a very exigent household (specially thanks to her very demanding father) as well as subjected to lots of pressure to become a Yamato Nadeshiko, so it's very understandable to see her stumble and be terrified at first. Dissing and badmouthing the flawed and insecure Youko from the beginning is NOT the best way to praise how she develops through the series.
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