< The Tribe

The Tribe/YMMV

  • Canon Sue: For some fans Amber became one after her return in Season 3.
  • Complete Monster: Top Hat threatened KC with being burnt, tried to rape Zandra and finally set the mall on fire, with the mall rats left inside. Oh and this was in the space of two episodes.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Ebony.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Both Jay/Ebony and Jay/Trudy were more popular than the designated endgame couple Jay/Amber. Most of the Fandom seems to actually quite dislike that pairing for various reasons.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The show was huge in Sweden.
    • Also Finland. It likely helped that the series started as a part of a popular TV -show called Summeri, aimed as a morning show for schoolchildren on their summer vacation.
    • In fact, it was very successful in Germany too.
  • Jerk Sue: Amber sometimes.
  • Jumping the Shark: Particularly in later seasons
  • Les Yay: May seems to spend a fair bit of time and effort taking care of Salene after she joins the Mallrats, even while she's playing The Mole against the rest of the group...okay, if we ignore the fact that she sought to have her taken out of the picture so that she could be with Pride, she did.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Ebony.
  • The Scrappy: Luke in many parts of fandom for breaking up the Jack/Ellie ship, suffering incredible bastardisation even though all canon evidence points towards him being a genuinely nice, remorseful guy.
  • Shipping
  • Villain Sue: Ebony.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: It took almost a season for parents to complain about the series not being suitable when it started running on ABC 3 in Australia, apparently living in a world without adult along with underage sex and teenage pregnancy didn't tip them off. For those wondering the scene that did was Top Hat attempting to rape Zandra which is the second instance of attempted rape for the record (the first being Lex attempting to rape Zandra; he later MARRIED her.
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