The Transformers (animation)/Funny
Animated TV series
- One great moment is seen in part 3 of "The Ultimate Doom":
Shockwave: "You cannot get out!"
[Shockwave unleashes a massive blast, but blows a hole in the wall instead of Skyfire]
Skyfire: "I can now!"
- Just before that, Brawn, Bumblebee, Spike and Sparkplug are running through an installation on Cybertron trying to get to the surface. Brawn shouts, "I'll get the door!" He then proceeds to run through it.
- The drunken Decepticon scene in "Microbots":
Megatron: "Decepticons: a toast. To the imminent destruction of the accursed Autobots!"
(The Decepticons begin drinking Energon)
Starscream: "Energy! We won't need to conserve it after tomorrow. We can bleed this planet dry!"
Rumble: [hiccups] "Boy, these are good. [hiccups] I needed to refuel. Energy!"
Megatron: "Energy! Energy!"
Thundercracker: "Hey! This stuff's the greatest! [passes out]"
Megatron: "Ah, those were the good ol' days, back on Cybertron...Didn' have to...sneak around in these...ugly Earth disguises."
(Powerglide arrives)
Powerglide: "Time to cut the jets and glide!...What in the world?"
Megatron: "Good ol' Cybertron! Land...of the metal moon!"
Heck, even Laserbeak of all characters is so smashed he barrel rolls into the ground when trying to pursue Powerglide.
- While it results from a scale error, the scene of Hoist driving Huffer in "Make Tracks" gets me every time... especially because Huffer's toy is tiny compared to Hoist's.
- In "Triple Takeover", after Blitzwing and Astrotrain have taken over the Decepticons, there's this classic exchange between Megatron and Starscream, who are trapped in an Absurdly Spacious Sewer:
Megatron: "You're either lying or you're stupid!"
Starscream: "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
- Season 3, "Webworld". 3 words: Galvatron. In. Therapy.
Therapist: "Just say the first words to come to your mind."
Galvatron: "Kill! Smash! Destroy!"
Therapist: "Anything else?"
Galvatron: "Rend! Mangle! Distort!"
- Also:
Galvatron: "I hate the Autobots! I hate Cyclonus! And I'm not especially fond of YOU, either!"
- There's also the bit when the administrator makes Cyclonus validate all the paperwork.
- The end:
Cyclonus: "It will take the Torkulons centuries to rebuild."
Galvatron: "Only CENTURIES?!?!" *tosses the administrator aside in disgust*
- Season 2, "Sea Change". Using a magical metamorphic spring, a cute alien chick tricks Rumble into becoming a tree.
- In "Prime Target", Optimus finds himself on the grounds of an Egomaniac Hunter who wanted to add his head to his collection. Astrotrain and Blitzwing stumbled upon this and shadowed Optimus. When Optimus bypassed an Obvious Trap, Blitzwing ends up triggering it himself, and Astrotrain has to blast him free of it.
Optimus Prime: "Amazing. A booby trap that actually catches boobies."
- In "Child's Play," Prime has absolutely zero patience for Perceptor's Expospeak Gags. Twice in a row, when he's trying to explain how he can Techno Babble the Autobots back home, Prime cuts him off by simply saying, "Perceptor, just do it."
- And the second time, he says it faster and in a completely flat monotone, as if he's thinking, "I just said..."
- In the same episode, the Decepticons are being waylayed by the (proportionally) giant cat and fish of the alien boy whose room they materialized. Optimus's response when it's pointed out the 'Cons are getting mangled? "Good! Now let's get out of here."
- Ultra Magnus in season 3's "Fight or Flee":
"I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy." (Beat) "All right, give me the bomb."
- In Season 3's "Ghost in the Machine", Starscream's ghost has abandoned Astrotrain after possessing him in order to get to Cybertron (and Unicron's floating head). The Autobots shoot him down (thinking he was bringing an assault force) and bring him in for questioning:
Rodimus Prime: "Why did you attack Cybertron all by yourself? Are you stupid or just obedient?"
- Another winner from that episode involves Starscream's ghost, again, this time possessing Scourge...or the half of him holding a gun, anyway.
Scourge: "Give me that blaster!"
Starscream: "No! Get one of your own!"
- "Changing Gears" has cranky Gears becoming friendly in a passive-aggressive way after one of his chips was taken out.
Gears: "I should be very angry at you Megatron. You are an evil son of a retrorat, but for some reason, I just can't get too upset."
Gears: "How can I help you, Megatron, heh heh, you rotten hunk of scrap?"
- Then there's Ironhide's reaction on seeing said cheerful Gears.
"What did you do to Gears, you monster? You turned him...nice!"
- The Decepticons get their just desserts in "The Immobilizer".
Megatron: The most important thing is that I get what I deserve! And I always do.
[the water beneath the Decepticons return to normal, causing them to fall into it and washed by the river]
Trailbreaker: You deserve that alright, Mega-jerk! Rust in peace!
[The Autobots laughs]