< The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing

The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing/Headscratchers

  • How do the Gyroids cause people to turn into fucked-up animals? And how can it be just the one you like the most? Aren't they just normal random pieces of normal random furniture?
    • Oh, wait, each of them causes you to turn into a different animal. The villagers bury specific Gyroids depending on your favourite animal. For example, Quazoids cause you to turn into a rabbit. Which explains why Billy can't find other kinds, also why he is surrounded by them in the anti-box ending.
  • That still leaves one question: HOW can a simple statue-ish thing turn you into an animal?
    • Magic. Evil, eldritch magic.
    • It's a story about a fucked up prison island trapping kids for years just for the evilz. And they're actually nicer now that Tom Nook runs the store. Just go with it.
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