< The Tarot Cafe

The Tarot Cafe/YMMV

  • Ass Pull - Alecto's love for Pamela came way out of left field.
    • Also, at the end when it is revealed that the whole story took place in the forties despite everything being decidedly modern. Especially when you remember that Cora has pictures of Ash that are dated for the 1990's. Ass Pull indeed. Probably crosses over with Writers Cannot Do Math.
  • Complete Monster - Victor. This becomes a plot point, with Ash counting on Victor's complete monstrosity in order to lure Pamela in. It works.
    • Also, the princess from the alchemist's story. She initially is believed incapable of feeling any emotion at all. When the alchemist creates a jester doll to amuse her, she quickly finds great pleasure in sadistically whipping and torturing the poor thing. This leads to her ripping the jester's leg off and leaving it bleeding on the ground. When the jester is repaired, the first thing she does is demand it back for more beatings, even as he cries and begs to be saved. When the alchemist - the only person who believed at all that the princess could love - is disgusted and orders the princess to leave the jester alone, she ignores him and tries to forcibly drag the jester away. It bites her in the butt, in the most painful way possible.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - Everyone Pamela's ever helped with her fortune-telling shows up to repay the favor, foiling Belus in the process.
    • When the tree spirit impales the abusive father of a little boy and uses the treasure hidden in his tree to pay for the boy's future, despite it meaning that he'll die.
    • When Pamela figures out that she's trapped in a dream world and impales Victor in that dream, in revenge for ruining her life and killing Ash.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - "I choose to live happily."
    • The story of Bread and Cheese.
    • When the alchemist chooses to save the sweet jester doll instead of letting the princess torture it further.
  • Magnificent Bastard - Belus, Ash and Alecto.
  • Nightmare Fuel - The demons, what the "sage" in one of the stories is feeding people, and the fact that Alecto is infected by maggots by Belus that eventually drives him insane.
    • Arkasia. That is all.
  • Relationship Sue - Pamela, especially as she turns out to be this for all of the male main characters except Aaron and Nebiros.
    • Of course, she doesn't really want any of it, especially since it tends to lead to her getting kidnapped, nearly raped, forced into horrific nightmares, etc.
    • ... Which makes it border on So Beautiful It's a Curse. Just because she doesn't like the attention she gets doesn't mean she's not a Relationship Sue.
  • Tear Jerker - Quite a few.
  • The Woobie - Dear lord, the jester!
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