The Tale of Tarama
"Gig: You don't have to tell me twice... Lesbo."
"Tarama: Come on, have some class."
A Machinima of Soul Nomad and The World Eaters. First aired on December 27th, 2010, the series is more or less an alternate telling of the original game, with minor difference such as Revya's name is Tarama, as the title obviously tells. Currently, it doesn't seem to have a schedule, putting up episodes at random dates.
The Demon Path is also being added to the Tale...
The series can be currently found here.
Tropes used in The Tale of Tarama include:
- Badass Boast: Asagi is full of these. Gig, obviously as well.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Asagi's specialty.
- Deadpan Snarker: Gig, natch. Surprisingly Tarama as well.
- Heroic Mime: Tarama is the only person who doesn't have a voice actor, just like in the game. Revya doesn't follow the same rules.
- Infant Immortality: subverted brutally. Nei and Gladius' child is killed too.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Poor Van.
- Oh Crap: While Gig and Asagi are arguing, Danette reminds them Feinne's not dead yet.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Tarama delivers the first one in the series.
"Gig: Again, you have no idea how to use my power."
"Tarama: You haven't seen anything yet...!"
- Precision F-Strike: From Gig and Asagi just before they get blasted by Feinne.
"Gig and Asagi: You have GOT to be fucking me..." Cue Wave Motion Gun.
- Take That: A good fraction of Asagi's lines.
- Transparent Closet: Tarama. No word if Danette notices anything, but this being Danette...
- Volleying Insults: Gig and Danette, Gig and Asagi. Probably Gig and anyone at this rate.
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