< The Sooty Show
The Sooty Show/Characters
The mischievous but lovable teddy bear who can't speak above a whisper and dabbles in magic, often with humourous results.
- Deadpan Snarker: Manages to be this despite not audibly talking.
- Former Even Worse Trouble-Maker: Although he's still a big trouble-maker, apparently he was even worse than Scampi when he was his age.
- Fur Of Gold
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sweep.
- Inept Mage: Sometimes his magic goes awry.
- Innocent Prodigy/Ping-Pong Naivete: He is shown to be very intelligent and quick-witted, but he can also be rather naive and dense.
- Lovable Rogue
- Naughty Is Good
- No Mouth
- Phrase Catcher: His magic words "Izzy Whizzy Let's Get Busy!" (It would be his Catch Phrase, were it not for the fact that he doesn't speak).
- Puppy Love:(in-universe) With Soo.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: He only wears his glasses for reading or when he's inventing something. The fact that they actually have no lenses and are just for show is lampshaded at least once.
- Shrinking Violet: It was once suggested that he only whispers because he's shy.
- Trademark Favourite Food: Honey.
- The Voiceless
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Sooty's best friend; an excitable and innocent, albeit somewhat dim-witted puppy dog who speaks in squeaks.
- Accessory Wearing Puppet Animal: He tends to wear a collar.
- Adorkable
- Animal Jingoism: In Sooty & Co he claims not to like cats because he's a dog; this is dropped in Sooty when Miki, a puppet cat, is added to the cast.
- Big Eater
- Butt Monkey: He is quite frequently teased by the others, usually about his intelligence.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Ditz
- Genius Ditz: Although he's generally considered dim-witted, he has been shown to be able to build machines.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sooty, and later with Scampi.
- Ho Yay: When Soo wanted to give him a Christmas kiss, he asked if Sooty could give him one instead, and threatened to run away when Soo said he can't because they're both boys.
- Keet: He can be rather hyperactive when he's excited.
- The Klutz
- Large Ham
- Literal-Minded
- Motor Mouth
- The One Who Wears Shoes: It's not often shown, but he wears Wellies.
- Perpetual Frowner: The puppet is, but his personality isn't.
- Strong Family Resemblance: He looks just like his parents and his Massive-Numbered Siblings.
- Trademark Favourite Food: Bones and sausages.
- The Unfavourite: Sometimes treated like this.
- The Unintelligible: Sweep only talks in high-pitched squeaks, and has to be 'translated' by other characters. However, his squeaks are clearly synched to a written script, and some long-time viewers of the show can understand him even without translation.
- Why Did It Have To Be The Dark?: In the Sooty & Co episode "Sooty's Magic Solutions".
A female panda and the most collected and sensible of the puppets. She is Sooty's girlfriend.
- All Girls Like Ponies
- Bratty Half-Pint: Quite often.
- Closer to Earth
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Frequently wore bows at one point.
- Flanderization: In Sooty she is much more of a Bratty Half-Pint, to the point of being an outright Jerkass Attention Whore.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: For all of her tattling and snarky comments, she does show that she cares about the boys... sometimes.
- Large Ham
- Little Miss Snarker
- Not So Above It All
- Pandaing to the Audience
- Parental Favoritism: Sometimes subject to this.
- The Smurfette Principle
- Stepford Smiler: Her puppet is always smiling, even when she's crying or angry; her personality isn't one though.
- The Stool Pigeon
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to Miki's tomboy in Sooty.
- Toy Ship:(in-universe) With Sooty.
- Tsundere: Type B.
- Why Did It Have To Be Spiders? In the Sooty & Co episode "Sooty's Magic Solutions".
- But in the episode Moose Loose in the Hoose she is scared of mice instead.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Little Cousin Scampi
Sooty's young cousin who is even more mischievous than Sooty himself.
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Demoted to Extra: In Sooty.
- Fourth Ranger
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sweep in Sooty & Co.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In his debut episode, after all of his tricks, he sends the gang a tin of chocolates to say sorry.
- Nice Hat
- The Prankster: Even more so than the others.
- Screwy Squirrel
- Tagalong Kid
- Token Wholesome: The only male puppet to wear an outfit.
- The Voiceless: Like Sooty, he only communicates by whispering in another character's ear.
Matthew Corbett
The presenter of the show and father-figure (and victim) of the puppets.
- Adult Child
- Amusing Injuries: The frequent victim of them.
- Butt Monkey: They just love to pick on him!
- The Chew Toy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hollywood Pudgy
- Hypocritical Humour
- Large Ham
- Mr. Vice Guy: Though whatever vice he displays is very likely to come back to bite him in some way, especially his ego.
- "No Respect" Guy
- Small Name, Big Ego: Prone to bouts of this; he usually learns his lesson, only to get Aesop Amnesia and brag about something else.
- Team Dad
- Why Did It Have To Be Birds?: In the Sooty & Co episode "Sooty's Magic Solutions".
Richard Cadell
The new presenter since Sooty Heights; a cheerful magician who watches over the Sooty gang.
A boisterous bulldog who occasionally appeared, but became a regular in the Sooty series.
- Accessory Wearing Puppet Animal: Wears a collar.
- Animal Jingoism: He hates Miki because she's a cat and he's a dog, and tries to get Sweep to do the same.
- Ascended Extra
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Mr. Fixit
A tomboyish cat from Brazil who hangs out with Sooty and the gang in Sooty.
- Accessory Wearing Puppet Animal: Wears a collar, and then a neckerchief.
- Affirmative Action Girl
- Closer to Earth
- Put on a Bus: It is said that she won't be appearing in the new series because she's gone back to Brazil.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to Soo's girly girl.
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