The Society On Da Run
Space Dragons...hell yeah!
The Society On Da Run (mostly abbreviated as TSODR) is a series of popular Science Fiction chapbooks, by American writer Nipaporn Baldwin. The series began when the author was ten and has since left the chapbook stage in favor of combining all the stories in one massive eBook.
The story is about the Space Dragon empire, Draconizica, and the humans and creatures they interact with. It takes place on Earth in the Roman era, Victorian Era, Modern era, and the future, as well as on various other planets (including the Dragon homeworld). The characters vary from Dragons, the Crotonians (a rival race of insects), humans, faeries and other space fairing creatures. The stories in the book are told from many viewpoints in both first person and third, and in the form of poetry and short stories. The book also includes it's fair share of Mind Screw and confusing ("complex") plotlines.
There are a few main storylines that are prominent throughout the series. The only prominent plotline seems to be the Space Dragon Apocalypse and the adventures of the seventeen eligible crown princes of the Antonin Empre.
Tropes in The Society On Da Run include:
- Our Dragons Are Different -- The dragons in TSODR are from another planet with their own empire. They arrived on Earth in Pre Cambrian times in their own spaceships and have taken other planets. Interestingly enough, they have bipedal soldiers, human-dragon shifters, their own weapons (like the Big Dragon Rocket Launcher or the atom-collapser handgun, Hol) they have eight languages, sub-breeds/species, and dragon gods. More interesting is the fact that their "God" lays the eggs without help from a female.
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys -- 15 of the main Karrucci Brothers are a perfect example of this trope.
- A God Am I -- At one point, Chance Karrucci
- Ancient Astronauts -- The Draconizicans, Crotonians, Owl Gods, Cicadas and the Alma Maters.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy -- Kendra: the masculine fighter girl. Rory: the pillow hugger
- Taste the Rainbow -- this trope applies to the space dragons and their many, many species
- Bishōnen -- hmmmm, let's see...Massimo Karrucci, Silvestrio Karrucci, Malikov Ironblade, Rory Kenningston (later subverts this trope), Chamyou Karrucci...that's about it....
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy -- Ryodearth Ironblade and Roi "of Everlasting Death" (almost like twins!)
- Alternate Continuity -- some parts of the storyline inadvertently follow this trope
- Played for Laughs -- many stories use this trope
- Played for Drama -- Chance Karrucci's story
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity -- many of the Karrucci brothers demonstrate this trope. Being dragon gods, a lot of them are insane.
- Up to Eleven -- The whole point of the series is to diversify the dragon genre and create something "awesome" out of a boring trope, thus resulting in the space dragon empire.
- One Steve Limit -- Unintentional but happens to two of the characters.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot -- Wi S Hiin Gyuw 3 r Ehe RE, Martha Recalcitrant
- MacGuffin Delivery Service