< The Silver Chair

The Silver Chair/Funny

  • When Puddleglum breaks the Lady's fire-based Mind Control spell by grinding out the flames with his foot:

"For though the whole fire had not been put out, a good bit of it had, and what remained smelled very largely of burnt Marshwiggle, which is not at all an enchanting smell."

  • Puddleglum is briefly shocked out of his morose attitude when Jill kisses him goodbye. After she and Eustace have left to travel back to their own world, Puddleglum wryly remarks, "I would never have dreamed of her doing that. Even though I am a good-looking chap."
  • Trumpkin's crochety refusal to use his Ear Trumpet leads to several hilarious misunderstandings--for instance, he hears "The girl's called Jill" as "The girls are all killed"-- all the while complaining that nobody speaks clearly the way they used to when he was young.
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