< The Servants of Ungoliant
The Servants of Ungoliant/Characters
The Spider of Night, the Dark Power in the South, and ruler of the Dark Land. Originally a high-ranking servant of Morgoth, Ungoliant is now the most powerful being in the southern regions of Arda.
- Ascended Extra: Originally only appearing in two chapters of The Silmarillion, Ungoliant is now the focus of her own story.
- Big Bad
- Bishounen Line: Bears a number of somewhat more humanoid features than what is implied in the Tolkien legendarium.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil Albino: From the neck up, at least. Her face, neck, lips, and hair are all white, and her eyes are red. However, the rest of her body is extremely dark in color.
- God Save Us From the Queen: Played straight, Subverted, and Averted, depending on the minions and subjects in question.
- Large and In Charge
- The Noseless: Instead of having a nose, her nasal cavity is opened. She can still smell perfectly, though.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Eight of them.
- Villainous Glutton
A black cold-drake from the Far North of Arda, mother of Merkampa and Piutalamba, and the only Dragon in Mórenorë.
- Break the Haughty
- Compelling Voice: She is a Dragon, after all.
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dragon: To Ungoliant. Also literally, since she is a cold-drake.
- Evil Matriarch
- Genius Bruiser
- Lantern Jaw of Justice: A female, villainous, and non-humanoid example. Naikamil's lower jaw is not only large, but so strong and heavy that she can use it to crush rocks, ice, and even human beings with little effort.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Her name translates to "Mother of Pain".
- Our Dragons Are Different: Being a cold-drake, Naikamil can neither fly nor breathe fire.
- Whip It Good: Like all cold-drakes, Naikamil has a long, whip-like tail, and she definitely knows how to use it.
A race of Men native to Mórenorë. They also act as Ungoliant's primary Mooks on the mainland and in the Islands of Ormal.
- Badass Baritone: Overlapped with Vocal Dissonance. A recurring trait among male Darklanders is their deep voices, which makes them appear sound older than they truly are.
- Badass Normal
- Child Soldiers: Most Darklanders that act as warriors are inclined to be teenagers and young adults.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Motor Mouth: Zigzagged. They speak at a normal pace, and are not as noisy as Gongs or Ogres, but they are inclined to speak with heavily pronounced Salvidoric or swift-paced Ormalic accents, which make them seem to speak faster or slower than they appear to be.
- Pale Skinned Brunette: A recurring physical trait among male Darklanders, especially those that hail from Arvalin and the Islands of Ormal.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
A 19-year-old Darklander, formerly a soldier that served in the Islands of Ormal. Currently the personal servant of Naikamil.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Mook Lieutenant: To Naikamil.
- The Renfield/ The Igor: Acts as a (downplayed) combination of the two as Naikamil's servant.
A 23-year-old Darklander from the port-city of Grindsmouth. He is one of the many soldiers that patrol Arvalin, and is one of Jykale's closest friends.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: He has the same pale complexion and dark hair as most other Darklanders, but he also has a particularly skeletal face.
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