The Rules
The Rules is an Axis Powers Hetalia Fan Fiction by Number One Fan of Journey on It opens with an average world meeting, to which only twenty nations have come. After the usual period of bickering and falling asleep, the nations get ready to go back out the front door...
Except outside is some sort of forest instead of the city it was when they entered.
The nations find a note entitled "The Rules", which states:
"1. For each of you, there is a certain nation on this island you must kill.
2. If you kill your nation, you will go home.
3. If you do not kill your nation, you will not go home.
4. Enjoy your immortality while it lasts."
Chaos ensues.
Tropes used in The Rules include:
- Anyone Can Die: Word of God says they all will. The only question is who gets to come back.
- Apologetic Attacker: Japan
- Berserk Button: Italy pushes Germany's by inadvertantly spitting in the latter's beer.
- Crazy Prepared: Sure, they were only going to a meeting, but some of the nations just felt like bringing along masses of food, weaponry, and other things that prove to be useful. (Of course, knowing how some of those meetings go...)
- Death Is Cheap: Heavily played with--while it would normally be in effect, well...just take a look at the last "Rule" on the list. The nations are stuck with quite the ethical dilemma--start killing now while they can be reasonably confident their victims will recover, or try to find some other way off the island and risk everyone's immortality running out in the meantime?
- I Call It "Vera": Switzerland calls his guns Urs and Verena.
- Laughing Mad: France has a brief burst of this after killing Canada and China.
- Off with His Head: France kills Canada and China this way.
- Portal Door: The door from the meeting building gets to be one in the prologue.
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