< The Riftwar Cycle

The Riftwar Cycle/Heartwarming

  • Arutha's adventure in Silverthorn, from going all the way to Sarth, Yilth, Elvander and then all the way to Morealin, the territory of the Dark Brotherhood where he and his team were vastly outnumbered. Why did he do it? To save his beloved, that was his only reason, he didn't care for the risks, he just wanted to save her. YMMV, but this troper was touched that Arutha was willing to risk everything just for the woman he loved.
  • Pug saying Arutha conDoin is one of the greatest men he ever knew.
  • Gamina essentially giving up her chance of survival in Rage of a Demon King because she couldn't live without Duke James (Jimmy the Hand) and dying with him.
  • The gift Macros gave the golden dragon Rhuagh: in the last instants of his life, Rhuagh was "returned to the image of his youthful power." Evidently it made him feel young again, too. "With a roar like a hundred trumpets he shouted, 'I thank thee, Macros. It is a princely gift indeed.'" The two witnesses believed they heard a voice reply, "You are welcome, friend." Then Rhuagh spread his wings, leaped upward, and vanished in a flash of light.
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