< The Return (fanfic)

The Return (fanfic)/YMMV

  • Boring Invincible Angagonist -- Galina head of the Russian Cyborgs. Darkstar's counterpart. Neither can beat the other, but each can beat anyone else. Naturally, they spend their fights locked in a bloody stalemate.
  • Die for Our Ship -- Tuxedo Kamen. In the bathroom, off camera no less.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse -- Eve and her brood
  • Genius Bonus -- "Succubae" as the plural of Succubus instead of the usual "Succubii" as "ae" was only used for feminine-gender nouns.
  • Growing the Beard -- Somewhere between when Ranma accepts her daughters and when she looses her ability to return to her (male) human form at the best possible time. Alexia was about to turn her human and kill her, for some reason, it didn't work.
  • Jumped the Shark -- Darkstar's and Eve's interrogation of Murdock as it marked the unwarranted nerfing of the last of the characters who could compete with Darkstar on a level playing field.
  • Nightmare Fuel-- Ranma's personality, interests, everything that makes him himself is slowly consumed and destroyed by a combination of curse and past-life regression. Similar loss of identity occurs in a lot of the individuals who undergo the succubus conversion process. There's a reason why, with one or two exceptions, the only ones to do it are enemy victims and those for whom the alternative is dying- and even then, some refuse. Loss of Identity is a fate many consider to be A Fate Worse Than Death.
  • Rooting for the Empire -- the overpowered nature of the Succubae attacks and smug attitude ever since Alexia have left some fans hoping the next set of enemies will win.

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