The Rest of the Pieces

"You crossed a burning bridge, Wright. You crossed it for her."
Miles Edgeworth, Chapter 1: Edgeworth Knows [1]

The Rest Of The Pieces is an Ace Attorney fanfic by purplepjs. It's a shipping fanfic mostly directed to Maya X Phoenix, though it also wraps around the mystery of the Fey family and it's dark past.

After the events of Trials and Tribulations, Maya has a big dilemma to deal with: Be the manager of Wright and Co. Law Offices, and the Master of Kurain Village at the same time. Phoenix helps her deal with this, but something else is lurking, trying to oppose Maya as Master and kick her off the Master's seat, even if it means taking a life or two. Maya and Phoenix's feelings for each other grow as they sink in deeper to the Fey family past, and things get personal, and even more life-threatening.But, as everything begins to open up, it turns out that Morgan Fey and her son, Andre Fey still have issues with Maya. Not everything in Kurain is as peaceful as it seems.

This story is how Maya, Phoenix, and Mia investigate what happened so long ago for these events to unfold. The story ties in with all five games, and is ascending into the Apollo Justice timeline as we speak. The author makes everything canonly possible, from death to disbarment. It's filled with mystery and suspense, and the romance is dotted with fluff and twists.

Tropes used in The Rest of the Pieces include:
  • Affectionate Nickname: It's pretty cute how little Diego called Bikini "Angel" after she saved him and his mother from freezing to death and gave them a home to live in.

Young Diego Armando: "Thanks Miss Angel!"

    • Heck, he's even pulling this off twenty five years later.

Diego Armando: "Angel always believed I was destined to be this great man who would change the world, but I failed her."

  • All Just a Dream: Maya pulls this off a couple of times, once when she dreamed of Phoenix waking her up lovingly after he invited her to share a bed, no, not like that, only to wake up in disappointment to see that he's already gone. The other being a nightmare when she dreams Phoenix being killed by Andre.
  • Dead Guy, Junior: Phoenix and Maya had a daughter named Mia in the Distant Finale.
  • Evil Pays Better: You'll probably get pretty pissed when you figure out Morgan committed arson and killed Luciana Armando for the money, simply for the freaking money.
  • History Repeats: This seems to be where everything is heading. The Master falls for a lawyer, a family member doesn't like her position as Master and attempts to overthrow her, tragedy strikes, people die. Let's just hope the lawyer survives at the end this time.
  • Long-Distance Relationship: Phoenix and Maya, after she left to train to channel Ami Fey. Though they don't learn until later that it was all planned out by Andre and Althea to separate Maya and Phoenix and get rid of Maya.
  • Love Hurts: To pretty much every single canon pairing in the fanfic.
  • Love Makes You Evil: It turns out Morgan Fey was actually in love with Misty's husband and Maya and Mia's father: Sebastian Fey. She went so insane about it she killed him because of it.
  • Original Character: Oh, plenty, but a fitting plenty. Mostly in the Fey family, like Andre, Althea, Sebastian, Lillian, ect.
    • We can't forget about Diego's mother, Luciana Armando.
  • The Obi-Wan: Mia Fey, so much she's almost the leader for the entire operation. She's become Maya's Dr. Phil and Phoenix's beloved mentor once again.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Andre to Morgan. Though it actually turns out that his real mother is Althea
  • Wicked Stepmother: Not really a stepmother, but Morgan's pretty much an evil aunt of some sort.
  • Will They or Won't They?: The first half of the fanfic for Maya and Phoenix.
  • World of Chaos: Nothing will ever go right in this fic.
  • Yandere: Morgan Fey to Sebastian Fey
  1. He sure does.
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