< The Rescuers (Disney film)
The Rescuers (Disney film)/Funny
The Rescuers
- Orville being sucked into Medusa's swamp mobile, first with an all-bird sounding squack, followed by a Goofy Holler
- The entire calliope scene, especially Bernard's reaction to being shot up in the air and trying to run!
- Fridge Brilliance kicks in when you realize that when Medusa hears the noise, her first thought is not 'Who is playing the piano?' or even 'Snoops, stop playing the piano!' but 'ALLIGATORS, STOP PLAYING THE PIANO!' Brutus and Nero must make it a habit.
Medusa: (storming out of her room) BRUTUS, NERO, STOP THAT INFERNAL RACKET! I MEAN NOW!
- When Bernard talks to Wilbur over the radio. After a bout of Angrish...
Bianca: What did he say?
Bernard: I wouldn't dare repeat it.
- The Eek! A Mouse! sequence that follows the calliope scene. It gets even better when Medusa starts firing a shotgun...and everyone dives for cover from her erratic shots.
The Rescuers Down Under
- The scenes with the imprisoned animals. Frank has to be led through the entire thing, like he's Dora the Explorer. Krebbs is especially funny, because his wisdom creates a nice contrast to this.
- The whole scene when Joanna obsessively goes after McLeach's eggs as he tries to make an omelet.
- McLeach pretending to be worried when Cody's mom will find out he's missing.
McLeach: Oh no, not the rangers, what'll I do, what'll I do? Don't let your mom call the rangers, please! (throws Cody's backpack to the crocodile-infested river) "My poor baby boy, got eaten by crocodiles! Boo-hoo-hoo!" Ha! Let's go boy!
- "I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing!"
- McLeach's... uh, very special rendition of Home on the Range. The cheery "EVERYBODY!" just cements it.
- Joanna playing dead after McLeach lied to Cody that Marahoute's dead.
- The fat snobby female mouse slaps her date (husband, fiance, or boyfriend).
- Back to The Rescuers (Disney film)
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